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Ensure that system is fully in place for     Prepare and deliver all required record-
               5 rotating and/or relieving staff throughout  6 keeping supplies to Site Coordinator
                   duration of site activation.                 prior to site opening.

               In the case of an unannounced exercise that included the objective of assessing the process by
               which the LPHA moved to open a mass distribution site, including logistics, notification of       Developing an Evaluation Plan
               staff, and just-in-time training, the evaluation criteria would also include the following:

               Criteria for Communication

               1    Establish liaison with jurisdiction-wide    Establish a schedule to update partners
                    Joint Information Center (JIC) within 4
                                                                on a regular basis.
                    15 minutes of notifying the Incident
                    Commander (IC) that the JIC is              Test backup communications
                    operational.                           5    procedures.

               2    Draft and approve public information for    Identify a public health spokesperson
                    anticipated phases of response within 2 6
                                                                whose expertise is applicable to the nature
                    hours of establishing the agency’s EOC.     of the emergency (e.g., Health Director,
                                                                Health Officer, Epidemiologist, etc.).
               3    Identify key partners (e.g., other health  7  Develop and convey Single Overriding
                    jurisdictions, law enforcement, hospitals,
                    etc.) and convey initial public health      Communication Objective (SOCO)
                    information to these partners no later      through the ICS structure.
                    than one (1) hour after approval of such
                                                           8    (e.g., posted to Situation Boards, etc.)
                    information by the agency’s IC.             Update and distribute the SOCO
                                                                as needed, but at least every 4 hours.

               Once an LPHA identifies the functional roles to be activated, the expected duties of each role
               related to each objective can be inserted into the observer format, as illustrated in the Sample
               Role Evaluation Checklist for Clinic Manager (Flu), in Appendix F, pages 56–59.

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