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P. 14
Developing an Evaluation Plan
he most important step in planning an exercise is developing an exercise evaluation
plan.An exercise is only as useful as the results of its evaluation. It is therefore critical to
T clarify evaluation criteria early on, which should include the following:
• an LPHA’s exercise process • the efficiency with which some portion of
• an LPHA’s emergency plan the plan can be carried out
• an LPHA’s ability to fulfill the plan • staff competency in specific roles
• the speed with which an LPHA puts some
portion of the plan into place
Pre-exercise Activities
Consider the following pre-exercise activities when developing the evaluation plan.
Developing an Evaluation Plan
1 health emergency response will be acti- 3 Identify all functional roles to be acti-
Identify exactly what portion of public
vated. Include those likely to be identified
vated. Use the universal task list or a only if initial participants perform as
local planning decision to determine desired.
which specific response activities will be Example: If the LPHA planning unit will
practiced. be activated, there may be a need to
Example: Set up LPHA EOC with com- exercise and evaluate field epidemiology.
plete telecommunications and radio con-
nections with branches to the county Select specific LPHA-level criteria from
EOC. 4 the menu in Appendix B (or DHS
sources, if available for your locale). If
2 Identify all LPHA components that are external criteria are unavailable, specify
preferred performance using the follow-
expected to participate.
Example: Will logistics actually procure ing format: action verb; object; context;
items or are they to be assumed? Will all time. Identify all job action sheets (JAS)
branch offices participate, or only those associated with those criteria.
5 Prepare observer documents. List criteria
and JAS role evaluations to be observed.