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Cell Signalling Biology Michael J. Berridge  Module 2  Cell Signalling Pathways                2  78

             Module 2: Figure peroxiredoxin catalytic cycles

                                    Cytokines  factors  Hormones

                                               PI 3-K   PIP
                                P                         3   NOX/DUOX
                               Prx  -SH  Src            1
                           P                              H
                                                            2  O 2
                                PTP                H  O          H  O
                                             Prx  -SH  2          2      O  S  Prx  -SH   6   ATP
                                              -SH                         -SH   S  O
                                S                                               O        Srx
                            Trx                   2
                                S                                   5
                                      4                   -SOH  Prx  -SH                O
                                                                                    P  S     -SH
                                                               -SOH                        Prx
                               -SH                  3     -SH              -SH         -SH   S  P
                                        S    Prx  S                     Trx -SH              O
                           Trx -SH
                                        S       S
                                                        H  O
                                                                             S               -SH
                                                                         Trx            -SH  Prx
                                                                             S         -SH   -SH
             Metabolism of H 2 O 2 by peroxiredoxin.
             Peroxiredoxin (Prx) plays a major role in restricting the microdomain of hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) that forms beneath the plasma membrane by rapidly
             removing this messenger through a series of catalytic reactions as described in the text. Information adapted from Curr. Opin. Cell Biol., Vol. 17, Rhee,
             S.G., Kang, S.W., Jeong, W., Chang, T.-S., Yang, K.-S. and Woo, H.A., Intracellular messenger function of hydrogen peroxide and its regulation by
             peroxyredoxins, pp. 183--189. Copyright (2005), with permission from Elsevier; see Rhee et al. 2005.
               These oxidation processes can occur through a num-  reversible change may accumulate with time and the pro-
             ber of mechanisms. What is remarkable about this process  gressive damage may result in ageing.
             is its specificity. Only a subset of proteins are modified,  There is a suggestion that the hyperperoxidation reac-
             and within these there is a high degree of specificity in  tions that lead to the irreversible oxidation may be avoided
             that only certain thiols are modified. How is it that an  by an internal reaction whereby the sulphenic acid is rap-
             oxidizing agent such as H 2 O 2 is able to seek out and se-  idly converted into a sulphenylamide species by interacting
             lectively modify specific target proteins?The answer lies  with the main-chain nitrogen atom of an adjacent serine
             in the fact that proteins vary considerably in their sens-  residue (Step 2 in Module 2: Figure reversible and irrevers-
             itivity to mild oxidizing agents, such as H 2 O 2 . Most of  ible ROS oxidations). The formation of this sulphenyl-
             the cysteine residues in proteins have a high acidic con-  amide intermediate protects against further oxidation, and
             stant (i.e. pK a values of approximately 8.5), which means  the enzyme can be reactivated by converting the intermedi-
             that they are resistant to attack by H 2 O 2 . However, some  ate back into a thiol group via a mixed disulphide reaction
             of the cysteine residues, particularly those located next to  involving GSH.
             positively charged amino acids, have pK a values between  Two of the main signalling molecules whose activities
             4 and 5 and thus exist as a thiolate anion (Cys-S ), which  are reduced by oxidation are the protein tyrosine phos-
             is very vulnerable to oxidation, and these have been re-  phatases and phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted
             ferred to as hyperreactive cysteine residues (the S  −  group  on chromosome 10 (PTEN) (Module 2: Figure ROS form-
             marked with an asterisk in Module 2: Figure reversible and  ation and action). An analysis of tyrosine phosphatase
             irreversible ROS oxidations).                    structure and function reveals the presence of a hyperre-
               The sulphenic acid intermediate is somewhat unstable  active cysteine residue in the catalytic domain that is sens-
             and can be converted into a number of intermediates by  itive to oxidants resulting in inactivation of the enzyme.
             either eliminating water or causing it to interact with GSH  Other examples of proteins that have such hypersensitive
             (Reactions 2, 3 and 4 in Module 2: Figure reversible and ir-  residues include the cell cycle regulatory enzyme Cdc25C,
             reversible ROS oxidations). In addition, sulphenic acid can  the Ca 2 +  -release channels ryanodine receptors (RYRs)
             be oxidized further by H 2 O 2 to sulphinic acid and sulph-  and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (InsP 3 Rs). The
             onic acid. The formation of sulphinic acid is reversible  specificity with which this redox signalling system exerts
             through a reaction that requires ATP and sulphiredoxin  its effects therefore depends on the fact that H 2 O 2 will
             (Srx). However, the final step to form sulphonic acid is  only modify hyperreactive cysteine residues that exist in
             irreversible and can result in serious damage and has been  these target proteins of the different oxidation-sensitive
             implicated in the ageing process. One idea is that this ir-  processes.

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