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A group of individuals who are alike in some way. For example,
the people in a cohort of HIV-infected individuals are all infected
with HIV.
Infection with more than one virus, bacterium, or other micro-
organism at a given time. For example, an HIV-infected individual
may be coinfected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) or tuberculosis (TB).
Inflammation of the colon (large intestine). This may lead to intestinal
bleeding, ulcers, or perforations (holes) in the colon.
Combination Therapy
Two or more drugs used together to achieve optimal results in
controlling HIV infection. Combination therapy has proven more
effective in decreasing viral load than monotherapy (single-drug
therapy), which is no longer recommended for the treatment of HIV.
An example of combination therapy is the use of two NRTIs plus a
PI or an NNRTI.
Community-Based Organization (CBO)
A service organization that provides social services to local clients.
CBOs include nonprofit organizations and free clinics targeted at
helping people with HIV.
Community Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS (CPCRA)
Also known as the Terry Beirn Community Programs for Clinical
Research on AIDS. A network of clinical research units composed
of community-based health care providers. CPCRA’s aim is to
serve populations under-represented in previous clinical trials.
CPCRA is funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases (NIAID).
30 HIV/AIDS Glossary