Page 113 - 78 glossary of hivaids-related terms_opt
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           The number of people in a population who are affected with a
           particular disease or condition at a given time. Prevalence can
           be thought of as a snapshot of all existing cases of a disease or
           condition at a specified time.
           See Also: Incidence

        Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT)
           Prevention of the passage of HIV from an HIV-infected mother
           to her infant, whether in the womb, during labor and delivery, or
           through breastfeeding.

        Preventive HIV Vaccine
           A vaccine designed to prevent HIV infection in people who are HIV
           negative. Preventive HIV vaccines are not designed to treat those
           already infected with HIV.
           See Also: Therapeutic HIV Vaccine

        Primary HIV Infection
           See: Acute HIV Infection

        Primary Isolate
           A strain of HIV taken from an infected individual, as opposed to   P
           a strain grown in the laboratory.

        Primary Prophylaxis
           Treatment to prevent the development of a particular disease.
           See Also:  Chemoprevention

        Primary Resistance
           When an individual is infected by a strain of HIV-1 that is already
           resistant to one or more antiretroviral drugs.

           Inflammation of the lining of the rectum.

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