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A prescription drugs to underinsured and uninsured individuals living
with HIV/AIDS.
AIDS Education and Training Centers (AETCs)
A network of 15 regional centers that conduct targeted, multidisciplinary
HIV education and training programs for health care providers. The
mission of these centers is to increase the number of health care
providers who are educated and motivated to counsel, diagnose,
treat, and manage individuals with HIV infection and to assist in the
prevention of high-risk behaviors that may lead to infection. AETCs are
administered by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).
AIDS Encephalopathy
Malfunction of the brain as a result of HIV infection. Can occur as
part of acute HIV infection or can result from chronic HIV infection.
A U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) project
that offers the latest federally approved information on HIV/AIDS
clinical research, treatment and prevention, and medical practice
guidelines for people living with HIV/AIDS, their families and friends,
health care providers, scientists, and researchers. The service
includes a Web site with “Live Help,” a toll-free hotline (1-800-448-
0440); responses to e-mail inquiries; and a variety of publications
that include treatment guidelines, drug fact sheets, and fact sheets
based on the guidelines.
AIDS-Related Cancer
A cancer that is more common or more aggressive in people with
HIV. These cancers include certain types of immune system cancers
(lymphomas), Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS), cancers that affect the anus
and the cervix, and others. Having HIV appears to play a role in the
development and progression of these cancers, although people
without HIV can also have them.
AIDS-Related Complex (ARC)
A group of complications that commonly occur in the early stage of
8 HIV/AIDS Glossary