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A Active Immunity
Protection from a specific infection that develops after having
and recovering from the infection or after being vaccinated against
the infection.
See Also: Acquired Immunity
Acute HIV Infection
Also known as primary HIV infection or acute retroviral syndrome
(ARS). The period of rapid HIV replication that occurs 2 to 4 weeks
after infection by HIV. Acute HIV infection is characterized by a
drop in CD4 cell counts and an increase in HIV levels in the blood.
Some, but not all, individuals experience flu-like symptoms during
this period of infection. These symptoms, collectively known as
AIDS-related complex, can include fever, inflamed lymph nodes,
sore throat, and rash. These symptoms may last from a few days
to 4 weeks and then go away.
See Also: AIDS-Related Complex (ARC)
Acute HIV Infection and Early Diseases Research
Program (AIEDRP)
A program funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases (NIAID) to conduct research with people who have been
recently infected with HIV. This research is aimed at understanding
how HIV infects humans and how the disease progresses to AIDS.
Scientists believe that events that occur during acute and early
infection may determine the ultimate course of the disease.
Acute Retroviral Syndrome (ARS)
See: Acute HIV Infection
See: AIDS Drug Assistance Programs
See: AIDS Dementia Complex
4 HIV/AIDS Glossary