Page 50 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 50
IR-2.15 G R A M M A R
(cf. S ection IR- Where p ossible, the donor atom symbol in ligand formulae should
be placed nearest the symbol of the central atom to which it is coordinated. (See Section
6. [CrCl 2 (NH 3 ) 2 (OH 2 ) 2 ]
(c) In the construction of the formula for a ( formal) addition c ompound, the formulae of the
individual components a re ordered first by number of each component, then alphabetically.
(See Section IR-
Alphabetical order is used in names as follows.
(d) In compositional names, the names of the formally electropositive components and the
names of the formally electronegative components a re each arranged alphabetically with the
former group of components p receding the latter. Note that this order of components may
therefore deviate from the order of the corresponding components in the formula, as in
Examples 7, 9 a nd 10 below.
magnesium potassium fluoride
7. KMgF 3
8. BiClO bismuth chloride oxide
9. ZnI(OH) zinc hydroxide iodide
iron strontium oxide (cf. E xample 5 a bove)
10. SrFeO 3
(e) In the citation of ligands in additive names. The alphabetical citation o f l igand names is
maintained regardless of the number of each ligand, or whether the compounds are
mononuclear or polynuclear (cf. S ection IR-
11. K[AuS(S 2 )] potassium (disulfido)sulfidoaurate(1 )
12. [CrCl 2 (NH 3 ) 4 ] þ tetraamminedichloridochromium(1þ)
A s imilar rule a pplies when c iting names of substituent g roups in substitutive nomenclature
(see Section IR-6.3.1).
(f) For c itation o f t he names of the skeletal atoms in the chains and rings additive
nomenclature (cf. S ection IR-7.4.3).
13. HOS(O) 2 SeSH
(g) In the construction of the name f or a ( formal) addition c ompound, the names of the
individual components a re ordered first by number of each component, then alphabetically.
(See Section IR-5.5.)