Page 52 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 52
IR-2.15 G R A M M A R
8: 1 9: 1
4 O 2 4 O 2
S Se
3 3
1-oxa-3-thia-2,4-distibacyclobutane 1-oxa-3-selena-2,4-distibacyclobutane
IR- Ordering of parent hydrides
Where there is a c hoice of parent hydrides among those listed in Table IR-6.1 (or
corresponding hydrides with non-standard bonding numbers, cf. S ection IR-, the
name is based on the parent hydride o f t he element occurring first in the sequence:
N > P > As > Sb > Bi > Si > Ge > Sn > Pb > B > Al > Ga > In > Tl > O >
S > Se > Te > C > F > Cl > Br > I:
This applies in particular to the naming of organometallic compounds of elements of groups
13–16 when a c hoice has to be made b etween s everal parent hydrides (Section IR-10.3.4).
1. AsCl 2 GeH 3 dichloro(germyl)arsane
Note that due to the rules of substitutive nomenclature the above does not necessarily come
into play even if two or more elements appearing in the sequence are present in the
compound. F or example, the substitutive name for HTeOH i s t ellanol, i.e. based on tellane,
not oxidane, because the characteristic group OH must b e c ited as a s uffix.
IR- Ordering characteristic g roups for substitutive nomenclature
In substitutive nomenclature, an order for the choice of principal functional group is defined
(see Section P-41 of Ref.1).
IR- Ordering ligands in formulae a nd names
In formulae of coordination compounds, the formulae or abbreviations representing the
ligands are cited in alphabetical order as the general rule. Bridging ligands are cited
immediately after terminal ligands of the same kind, if any, and in increasing order of
bridging m ultiplicity. (See also S ections IR-9.2.3 a nd IR-9.2.5.)
In names of coordination compounds, the ligand names precede the name of the central atom
and are cited in alphabetical order. F or each ligand type, bridging l igands are cited
immediately before terminal ligands of the same kind, if any, e.g. di-m-chlorido-
tetrachlorido, and in decreasing order of bridging m ultiplicity, e.g. m 3 -oxido-di-m-oxido. . ..
(See also Sections IR-9.2.2 and IR-9.2.5.l.)