Page 46 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 46

IR-2.13                                                       G R A M  M  A R

                       (iii) when specifying configuration using  c onfiguration indexes (IR-,  i n  o rder to
                           differentiate between  d onor atoms of the same priority, depending on whether t hey are
                           located within the same ligand or portion of the ligand.

                           1. [Rh 3 Cl(m-Cl)(CO) 3 {m 3 -Ph 2 PCH 2 P(Ph)CH 2 PPh 2 } 2 ] þ

                                              Ph P  2      P        PPh 2
                                            O C             2  C O    3  Cl
                                                 Rh 1     Rh        Rh
                                                      Cl       O C
                                              Ph P  2      P        PPh 2

                               tricarbonyl-1kC,2kC,3kC-m-chlorido-1:2k Cl-chlorido-3kCl-bis{m 3 -
                          bis[(diphenylphosphanyl)methyl]-1kP:3kP -phenylphosphane-2kP}trirhodium(1þ)
                       (b) Primes,  d ouble  p rimes, triple primes, etc. are also used as right superscripts in the
                       Kro ¨ger–Vink notation (see Section IR-11.4) where they indicate  a  s ite which has one, two,
                       three, etc. u nits of negative  e ffective charge.
                           2. Li x Li;1 2x Mg * Li;x V Li,x Cl Cl

           IR-2.13     M  U L T I P L I C A T I V E  P R E F I X E S

                       The number of identical chemical entities i n  a  name is expressed  b y  a  multiplicative prefix
                       (see Table IV).
                         In the case of simple  e ntities  s uch as monoatomic ligands the multiplicative prefixes
                       di, tri, tetra, p enta, etc., are used.
                         The multiplicative prefixes bis, tris, tetrakis,  p entakis, etc.  a re used with composite
                       ligand names or in order to avoid ambiguity. The  m  odified entity is placed within

                                                     diiron trioxide
                           1. Fe 2 O 3
                           2. [PtCl 4 ] 2            tetrachloridoplatinate(2 )
                           3. [Fe(CCPh) 2 (CO) 4 ]   t  etracarbonylbis(phenylethynyl)iron
                                                     thallium tris(iodide) (cf. S ection IR-
                           4. TlI 3
                                                     tricalcium bis(phosphate)
                           5. Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2
                           6. [Pt(PPh 3 ) 4 ]        t  etrakis(triphenylphosphane)platinum(0)

                       Composite multiplicative prefixes  a re built up by citing units first, then tens, h undreds and
                       so on, e.g. 35 is written  p entatriaconta  ( or pentatriacontakis).

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