Page 46 - 71 the abc of dft_opt
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11.5. UNIFORM LIMIT                                                 91     92                                       CHAPTER 11. SIMPLE EXACT CONDITIONS
         If we apply LSD to the exact density, we make a large error, because E LSD [n] = E LDA [n A ]+  4. What does the LO bound say for one electron?
       E LDA [n B ], and we saw in a previous chapter the huge error LDA makes for the H-atom,
       because it does not account for spin-polarization. We would much rather find E LSD  =
       2E LSD (H).
         There is a way to do this, that has been well-known in quantum chemistry for years. If
       one allows a Hartree-Fock calculation to spontaneously break spin-symmetry, i.e., do not
       require the up-spin spatial orbital to be the same as that of the down-spin, then at a certain
       separation, called the Coulson-Fischer point, the unrestricted solution will have lower energy
       than the restricted one, and will yield the correct energy in the separated-atom limit, by
       producing two H atoms that have opposite spins. Thus we speak of RHF and UHF. The
       trouble with this is that the UHF solution is no longer a pure spin-eigenstate. Thus the
       symmetry dilemma is that an RHF calculation produces the correct spin symmetry with the
       wrong energy, while the UHF solution produces the right energy but with the wrong spin
         Kohn-Sham DFT calculations with approximate density functionals have a similar problem.
       The LSD calculation will spontaneously break symmetry at a Coulson-Fischer point (further
       than that of HF) to yield the appropriate energy. Now the dilemma is no longer the spin
       eigenvalue of the wavefunction, but rather the spin-densities themselves. In the unrestricted
       LDA calculation, which correctly dissociates to two LSD H atoms, the spin-densities are
       completely polarized, which is utterly incorrect.

       11.5  Uniform limit

       We have already used the argument that any local approximation must use the value for the
       uniform limit as its argument. But more generally, we require
                       E XC [n] → V e unif (n)  n(r) → n (constant)     (11.7)
       where V is the volume of the system. This can be achieved, for example, by taking ever
       larger boxes, but keeping the density of particles fixed. This limit is obviously gotten right by
       LDA, but only if we use the correct energy density. Getting this right is relevant to accuracy
       for valence electrons of simple bulk metals, such as Li or Al.

       11.6  Questions

        1. If I approximate the correlation energy as about 1 eV per electron, is that a size-consistent
        2. A spin-restricted LSD calculation for two H atoms 10 ˚ Aapart yields a different answer to
          twice the answer for one H atom. Does this mean LSD is not size consistent?
        3. Does LDA satisfy the LO bound pointwise? Does LSD?
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