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12.5. VIRIAL THEOREM                                                99     100                                                   CHAPTER 12. SCALING
       12.5  Virial theorem                                                       or, swapping γ to 1/γ in the derivative,
       Any eigenstate wavefunction extremizes the expectation value of the Hamiltonian. Thus any     2T[n] + V ee [n] =  | γ=1 (T[n γ ] + V ee [n γ ]) .  (12.35)
       small variations in such a wavefunction lead only to second order changes, i.e.,                           dγ
                             E[φ sol + δφ] = E[φ sol ] + O(δφ ).       (12.29)    This then is the generalization of Eq. (12.29) for density functional theory: Because Ψ[n]
                                                                                  minimizes F, variations induced by scaling (but keeping the density fixed) have zero derivative
       Assume φ is the ground-state wavefunction of H. Then φ γ is not, except at γ = 1. But  around the solution, leading to Eq. (12.35).
       small variations in γ near 1 lead only to second order changes in % H &, so
                                 d                                                12.6  Kinetic correlation energy
                                  | γ=1 % φ γ | H | φ γ & = 0.         (12.30)
                                                                                  As usual, the more interesting statement comes from the KS quantities. We apply Eq. (12.35)
       But, from Eq. (12.4), dT[φ γ ]/dγ = 2γT[φ], and from Eq. (12.5), dV [φ γ ]/dγ = −γ % x  dV  &  to both the interacting and Kohn-Sham systems, and subtract, to find:
       at γ = 1, yielding
                                           dV                                                                          dE XC [n γ ]
                                    2T = % x  &.                       (12.31)                           E XC [n] + T C [n] =  dγ  | γ=1          (12.36)
       The right-hand side is called the virial of the potential. So this must be satisfied by any  Exercise 51 Virial expressed as scaling derivative
       solution to the Schr¨odinger equation, and can be used to test how accurately an approximate  Prove Eq. (12.36).
       solution satisfies it.
                                                                                  This statement is trivially true for Hartree and Exchange energies, so we subtract off the
         Note that this is true for any eigenstate and even for any approximate solution, once that  exchange contribution, and write:
       solution is a variational extremum over a class of wave-functions which admits scaling, i.e., a
       class in which coordinate scaling of any member of the class yields another member of that         T C [n] =  dE C [n γ ]  |  − E C [n]    (12.37)
       class. Linear combinations of functions do not generally form a class which admits scaling.                 dγ  γ=1
                                                                                  This is an extremely useful and powerful statement. It tells us how, if we’re given a functional
       Exercise 50 Using the virial theorem
       Of the exercises we have done so far, which approximate solutions satisfy the virial theorem  for the correlation energy, we can extract the kinetic contribution simply by scaling.
       Eq. (12.31) exactly, and which do not? What can you deduce in the two different cases?  Exercise 52 LDA kinetic correlation energy:
         We now derive equivalent formulae for the density functional case. We will first generalize                                     unif
       Eq. (12.29), and then Eq. (12.31). As always, instead of considering the ground-state energy  Assuming the correlation energy density of a uniform gas is known, e C  (r s ), give formulas
       itself, we consider just the construction of the universal functional F[n]. Write F = T + V ee .  for both t C  (r s ) and u C  (r s ).
       Then                                                                       Exercise 53 Scaling to find correlation energies:
                                 F[n] = %Ψ[n]|F|Ψ[n]&,                 (12.32)
       and, if we insert any other wavefunction yielding the density n(r), we must get a higher  1. By applying Eq. (12.37) to n γ (r), show
       number. Consider especially the wavefunctions Ψ γ [n 1/γ ]. These yield the same density, but
       are not the minimizing wavefunctions. Then                                                                   dE C [n γ ]
                                                                                                            T C [n γ ] = γ  − E C [n γ ]          (12.38)
                             d                                                                                        dγ
                               | γ=1 %Ψ γ [n 1/γ ]|F|Ψ γ [n 1/γ ]& = 0.  (12.33)
                             dγ                                                    2. Next, consider Eq. (12.38) as a first-order differential equation in γ for E C [n γ ]. Show
       But expectation values of operators scale very simply when the wavefunction is scaled, so  that
                                                                                                                      1  ∞ dγ #
       that                                                                                                 E C [n γ ] = −γ  #2  T C [n γ !],     (12.39)
                            d    (  2              )                                                                   γ  γ
                              | γ=1 γ T[n 1/γ ] + γV ee [n 1/γ ] = 0,  (12.34)
                            dγ                                                       using the fact that E C [n γ ] vanishes as γ → 0.
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