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10.3. IONIZATION ENERGIES AND ELECTRON AFFINITIES                   83     84                                                  CHAPTER 10. PROPERTIES

             v S (r)  -40
                 -80              Ne atom
                    0    0.2   0.4   0.6   0.8   1
                                                                                   atom LSDX    X   LSD   exact
                                                                                    h    12.40 13.61 13.00 13.61
                     Figure 10.3: Kohn-Sham potential of Ne atom, both exactly and in LDA.
                                                                                    he   22.01 23.45 24.28 24.59
                                  Ne atom                                           li   5.02  5.34  5.46  5.39
                 35               exact
                                  LDA                                               be   7.63  8.04  9.02  9.32
                                                                                    b    7.52  7.93  8.57  8.30
             v H (r)   20                                                           c    10.72 10.81 11.73 11.26
                 15                                                                 n    13.91 14.00 14.93 14.55
                                                                                    o    11.78 11.87 13.85 13.62
                                                                                     f   16.14 15.66 17.98 17.45
                                                                                    ne   20.35 19.81 22.07 21.62
                   0   0.5   1   1.5   2   2.5   3   3.5   4                        na   4.84  4.94  5.32  5.13
                                                                                    mg   6.48  6.59  7.70  7.64
                                                                                    al   5.14  5.49  5.99  5.99
                      Figure 10.4: Hartree potential of Ne atom, both exactly and in LDA.
                                                                                    si   7.40  7.65  8.26  8.16
                                                                                    p    9.63  10.04 10.51 10.53
         The LDA exchange-correlation potential, however, looks very different from the exact
                                                                                     s   8.79  9.03  10.52 10.37
       quantities for any finite systems, as shown in Fig. 10.5. This in turn means that the
       orbital eigenvalues can be very different from exact Kohn-Sham eigenvalues. Thus ionization  cl  11.67 11.77 13.22 12.98
                                                                                    ar   14.42 14.76 15.90 15.84
       potentials from orbital energy differences are very poor. This will be discussed in great detail
       in chapter X.                                                              Table 10.2: Ionization energies of first twenty atoms, non-relativistic, using exact-exchange densities, in eV. The X results
                                                                                  use Engel’s code, and the LSD results are evaluated on those densities. The ’exact’ results are from Davidson.
       10.3  Ionization energies and electron affinities
       In Table ??, we list ionization potentials for the first twenty atoms. There are many things
       to see in this table:
        • Comparing the exchange results (which are essentially identical to HF) with the exact
          results, we find that HF underestimates ionization potentials by about 1 eV . In fact, the
          mean error is -0.9 eV.
        • Repeating with the LSD numbers, we find that the errors vary in sign. Now we must
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