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Neonatal Intestinal Obstruction  379

            Assess  the  stage  of  ischaemia  and  derotate  counterclockwise  if   Increasingly,  laparoscopic  techniques  have  been  used  to  repair
          the bowel seems viable. Inform the anaesthetist about the manoeuvre   the  above-mentioned  conditions.  A  good  alternative  for  Africa  is  the
          because there will be a flush of intravenous endotoxins.   minimal approach described by Banieghbal and Beale,  whereby access
            Depending  on  the  viability  of  the  bowel,  continue  on  to  a  Ladd’s   is  gained  through  the  umbilicus.  Such  an  approach  leaves  a  virtually
          procedure, in which an extensive mobilisation of the mesentry is performed.   unrecognisable scar.
            Removal of the appendix is controversial and a surgical choice.
                                                                            General Postoperative Care
          Jejunoileal atresia                                    Modern supportive care in the intensive care unit (ICU) with continu-
          Surgery  for  jejunoileal  atresia  involves  resection  of  the  most  dis-  ing  fluid  resuscitation,  parenteral  nutrition,  and  respiratory  support
          tended proximal bowel and primary anastomosis. A diverting ostomy   have been the bases for the increased survival rate. In countries where
          is avoided if possible. As with surgery for duodenal atresia, resection   parenteral nutrition is not available, transanastomotic tubes have been
          or tapering of the proximal dilated segment is occasionally necessary   tried  with  indefinite  success  for  the  purpose  of  early  feeding. This
          to limit the dysmotility that occurs in grossly dilated bowel. The ileo-  postoperative management will make all the difference to the survival
          caecal  valve  is  preserved  if  possible  because  this  prevents  egress  of   of children in Africa.
          bacteria from the colon into the small intestine with resultant bacterial   Two weeks after anorectoplasty, serial anal dilatations should start
          overgrowth and malabsorption.                          by  using  anal  dilators  of  increasing  size.  Within  Africa,  the  child
          Meconium ileus                                         should  be  kept  hospitalised  until  the  mother  is  comfortable  with
          Calcification on AXR (see Figure 61.2) indicates that an intestinal per-  digital dilatations.
          foration occurred in utero and spontaneously sealed; if not, the extruded   In all of these conditions, the neonatologist and paediatric surgeon
          meconium is walled off by adjacent intestine to form pseudocysts.   must work together in a coordinated fashion, allowing the diagnosis
            These  babies  have  meconium  peritonitis,  and  their  appearance  is   to  be  quickly  established  and  therapy  to  be  rapidly  implemented.
          unmistakable; these are babies who are born with (as opposed to those   In  conditions  of  the  intestine  that  are  known  to  be  associated
          who develop) a distended, erythematous abdomen.        with  systemic  disease,  such  as  duodenal  atresia  (trisomy  21)  and
            A  laparotomy  is  undertaken  with  drainage  of  the  meconium   meconium  ileus  (cystic  fibrosis),  appropriate  consultation  should
          pseudocyst and identification of the site of the perforation, which is   be  obtained  early,  and  the  continued  involvement  of  appropriate
          converted to an enterostomy.                           specialists may be warranted long after the baby has recovered from
            In uncomplicated meconium ileus, an enterostomy with irrigation of   the initial hospitalisation.
          the bowel contents may successfully loosen the meconium and permit   Postoperative Complications
          its evacuation and facilitate the closure of the enterostomy over a t-tube.   Postoperative complications pertain to factors of
          Postoperatively, after a contrast study shows distal patency, the t-tube
          can be removed for the controlled fistula to close without further need of   • total parenteral nutrition (cholestasis and hyperalimentation hepatitis);
          surgery. Rarely, some patients might need an ostomy for diversion and   • central venous access (pneumo/hemothorax, catheter embolus); and
          access for proximal and distal irrigation with N-acetyl cysteine.
                                                                  • catheter sepsis.
          Hirschsprung’s disease                                 Postoperative Stricture and/or Adhesions
          The treatment of Hirschsprung’s disease is primarily surgical, except in
                                                                 Anastomotic stricture is a complication after surgery. Postoperative
          instances of enterocolitis.
                                                                 adhesions can occur after any laparotomy. They may be caused by
            Patients with HD are treated with a colostomy near the transition zone
                                                                 peritonitis from leaking anastomosis. A recent study of 1,541 children
          (level of beginning of dilatation). If histological leveling is not possible
                                                                 who had intestinal surgery showed an adhesion rate of almost 10% in
          in emergency cases, a right transverse diverting colostomy is safe. It is
                                                                 the operative site and a rate of approximately 5% elsewhere.
          sometimes difficult to visualise the transition zone in a neonate.
            A pull-through procedure is performed after the child is feeding and   Decreased Gut Motility
          gaining weight or at least 6 weeks after enterocolitis.  Poor motility is often observed following repair of atresias. Chronic
            Different  procedures  have  been  described  as  one-  or  two-stage   dilatation of the intestine proximal to the obstruction may alter normal
          procedures and are increasingly performed at a younger age.   peristalsis across that segment of bowel, even after the obstruction has
            The most recent innovations include minimally invasive techniques,   been relieved.
          such as the transanal pull-through using laparoscopy in cases in which the   Malabsorption
          transition zone is not located in the distal sigmoid colon.
                                                                 Short  gut  syndrome  results  when  the  length  of  intestine  that  remains
          Imperforate anus                                       postoperatively cannot sustain normal absorption of nutrients. The nor-
          Low  lesions  with  fistulous  connections  to  the  perianal  skin  can  be   mal length of the small bowel in a term infant is approximately 250 cm.
          repaired primarily by anoplasty.                       The estimated minimum jejunoileal length for sufficient bowel function
            If the fistula runs from the rectum to the vagina or urethra or urinary   in a term infant is around 75 cm. Resection of more than 60% of the
          bladder, the imperforate anus is classified as high, and the infant should   small bowel or resection that removes crucial anatomic segments, such
          undergo a colostomy.                                   as the ileocaecal valve, predisposes to malabsorption.
            Definitive repair of the imperforate anus is classically performed by   Bacterial  overgrowth  may  contribute  to  malabsorption  and
          posterior sagittal anorectoplasty, in which the rectum is situated within   subsequent  failure  to  thrive.  Probiotics  have  been  shown  in  some
          the striated muscle complex and anal sphincter.        studies  to  normalise  bowel  flora  and  improve  outcomes.  Bowel-
            The  laparoscopic  pull-through  using  three  ports  has  become  a   lengthening  procedures  and  hormonal  bowel  manipulation  may
          favoured procedure for high anorectal malformations.   help wean the patient with short gut syndrome from dependence on
                                                                 parenteral nutrition.
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