Page 48 - 48Fundamentals of Compressible Fluid Mechanics
P. 48

10                                          CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION

                                                     It was commonly believed 34  that the choking occurs only at 
                                                                                               for isothermal flow was
                                            Shapiro (195x). It is so strange the giant like Shapiro did not realize his model on
                                            isothermal contradict his conclusion from his own famous paper. Later Romer at el
                                            The first one to analyzed that choking occurs at
                                            extended it to isothermal variable area flow (1955). In this book, this author adapts
                                            E.R.G. Ecert’s idea of dimensionless parameters control which determines where
                                            the reality lay between the two extremes. Recently this concept was proposed (not
                                            explicitly) by Dutton and Converdill (1997) . Namely, in many cases the reality is
                                            somewhere between the adiabatic and the isothermal flow. The actual results will
                                            be determined by the modified Eckert number to which model they are closer.

                                    Nozzle flow

                                            The first “wind tunnel” was not
                                            a tunnel but a rotating arm at-
                                            tached at the center.  At the
                                            end of the arm was the ob-
                                            ject that was under observation
                                            and study. The arm’s circular
                                            motion could reach a velocity
                                            above the speed of sound at its
                                            end. Yet, in 1904 the Wright
                                            brothers demonstrated that re-
                                            sults from the wind tunnel and
                                            spinning arm are different, due
                                            to the circular motion.  As a
                                            result, the spinning arm was
                                            no longer used in testing. Be-  Fig. 1.3: The measured pressure in a nozzle taken
                                            tween the turn of the century        from Stodola 1927 Steam and Gas Turbines
                                            and 1947-48, when the first supersonic wind tunnel was built, models that ex-
                                            plained choking at the throat have been built.
                                                     A different reason to study the converging-diverging nozzle was the Ven-
                                            turi meter which was used in measuring the flow rate of gases. Bendemann  36  car-
                                            ried experiments to study the accuracy of these flow meters and he measured and
                                            refound that the flow reaches a critical value (pressure ratio of 0.545) that creates
                                            the maximum flow rate.
                                                     There are two main models or extremes that describe the flow in the
                                            nozzle: isothermal and adiabatic.

                                              34 The personal experience of this undersigned shows that even instructors of Gas Dynamics are not
                                            aware that the chocking occurs at different Mach number and depends on the model.
                                              35 These researchers demonstrate results between two extremes and actually proposed this idea.
                                            However, that the presentation here suggests that topic should be presented case between two ex-
                                              36 Bendemann Mitteil ¨uber Forschungsarbeiten, Berlin, 1907, No. 37.
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