Page 46 - 48Fundamentals of Compressible Fluid Mechanics
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8                                           CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION
                                            famous report of NACA 1135 that there is not explicit analytical solution .
                                                     The question whether the oblique shock is stable or which root is stable
                                            was daunting since the early discovery that there are more than one possible so-
                                            lution. It is amazing that early research concluded that only the weak solution is
                                            possible or stable as oppose the reality. The first that attempt this question where
                                            in 1931 by Epstein . His analysis was based on Hamilton’s principle when he ig-
                                            nore the boundary condition. The results of that analysis was that strong shock is
                                            unstable. The researchers understood that flow after a strong shock governed by
                                            elliptic equation while the flow after weak shock governed by hyperbolic equations.
                                            This difference probably results in not recognizing that The boundary conditions
                                            play important role in the stability of the shock . In fact analysis based on Hamil-
                                            ton’s principle isn’t suitable for stability because entropy creation was recognized
                                            1955 by Herivel .
                                                     Carrier 26  was first to recognize that strong and weak shock stable. If
                                            fact the confusion on this issue was persistent until now. Even all books that pub-
                                            lished recently claimed that no strong shock ever was observed in flow around cone
                                            (Taylor–Maccoll flow). In fact, even this author sinned in this erroneous conclusion.
                                            The real question isn’t if they exist rather under what conditions these shocks exist
                                            which was suggested by Courant and Friedrichs in their book “Supersonic Flow
                                            and Shock Waves,” published by Interscience Publishers, Inc. New York, 1948, p.
                                                     The effect of real gases was investigated very early since steam was
                                            used move turbines. In general the mathematical treatment was left to numerical
                                            investigation and there is relatively very little known on the difference between ideal
                                            gas model and real gas. For example, recently, Henderson and Menikoff 27  dealt
                                            with only the procedure to find the maximum of oblique shock, but no comparison
                                            between real gases and ideal gas is offered there.
                                              22 Since writing this book, several individuals point out that a solution was found in book “Analytical
                                            Fluid Dynamics” by Emanuel, George, second edition, December 2000 (US$ 124.90). That solution
                                            is based on a transformation of    	  . It is interesting that transformation result in one of root
                                            being negative. While the actual solution all the roots are real and positive for the attached shock. The
                                            presentation was missing the condition for the detachment or point where the model collapse. But more
                                            surprisingly, similar analysis was published by Briggs, J. “Comment on Calculation of Oblique shock
                                            waves,” AIAA Journal Vol 2, No 5 p. 974, 1963. Hence, Emanuel just redone 36 years work (how many
                                            times works have to be redone in this field). In a way part of analysis of this book redoing old work. Yet,
                                            what is new in this work is completeness of all the three roots and the analytical condition for detached
                                            shock and breaking of the model.
                                              23 Epstein, P. S., “On the air resistance of Projectiles,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sci-
                                            ence, Vol. 17, 1931, pp. 532-547.
                                              24 In study this issue this author realized only after examining a colleague experimental Picture 13.4
                                            that it was clear that the Normal shock along with strong shock and weak shock “live” together peacefully
                                            and in stable conditions.
                                              25 Herivel, J. F., “The Derivation of The Equations of Motion On an Ideal Fluid by Hamilton’s Principle,,”
                                            Proceedings of the Cambridge philosophical society, Vol. 51, Pt. 2, 1955, pp. 344-349.
                                              26 Carrier, G.F., “On the Stability of the supersonic Flows Past as a Wedge,” Quarterly of Applied
                                            Mathematics, Vol. 6, 1949, pp. 367–378.
                                              27 Henderson and Menikoff, ”Triple Shock Entropy Theorem,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 366 (1998)
                                            pp. 179–210.
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