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irritation. A QNFT uses another means of detect- U S C P
ing facepiece leakage and does not require the
wearer’s subjective response. To ensure adequate protection, the user of a res-
pirator equipped with a tight-fitting facepiece
Respirator models have inherently different fit- must check the seal of the facepiece routinely be-
ting characteristics. Moreover, each of the sev- fore each entry into areas with potential TB ex-
eral brands that are marketed has slightly posures. This check may be accomplished by
different fitting characteristics. Although every using the seal-check procedures recommended
manufacturer designs facepieces to fit the broad- by the manufacturer or by using those described
est possible section of the working population, in Appendix H.
no single respirator fits everyone. Therefore,
more than one brand or model, and various
sizes of a given type of respirator should be pur-
chased to take advantage of the different fitting
characteristics of each and to increase the chances
of properly fitting all workers. Having more
than one facepiece from which to choose also
gives the worker a better chance of finding a res-
pirator that provides reasonable comfort and
good protection.
The respirator program administrator must de-
cide whether to use QLFT or QNFT procedures.
After fit-testing, a wallet-sized card should be
provided to the respirator user showing worker's
name, date, type, brand, model, and size of res-
Negative-pressure user seal check.
NOTE: For facilities conducting QNFTs on
disposable and replaceable half-masks, OSHA Both photos courtesy of NIOSH.
requires a minimum fit-factor (FF) of 100. When an
individual passes a QLFT, a minimum FF of 100
will be assumed to have been achieved. (See
Appendix G, OSHA Memorandum For Regional Positive-pressure
Administrators Regarding Fit-Testing and User user seal check.
Seal Checking Procedures).
NIOSH does not recommend qualitative fit testing
using irritant smoke because of the health risk
associated with exposure to the irritant fume.
Fit-checking procedures that have been accepted
by OSHA in 1910.134 can be found in Appendix
H. When the TB standard is promulgated,
specific guidance will be included.