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themselves and others.  Relate that preventive              Correcting improper use through
          drug therapy can result in serious health effects           immediate constructive feedback
          (e.g., liver damage).
                                                                      Acting as a role model by properly
                 Believe that the respirator can control              following respiratory use procedures
                 the risk
          The worker must understand that the use of a                Consistently enforcing respirator policy
          respirator can effectively reduce the risk of               for employees
          exposure. To convey this information, explain
          the way respirators work and the importance of       Make workers aware of their own role in
          proper use, fit-testing, and maintenance. Use        motivating others to wear respirators. Peer
          the fit-testing exercise to simulate leakage, and    influences are often effective in encouraging
          give the worker a sense of how a toxic agent can     self-protective behavior.  Inform physicians that
          be inhaled if the seal is not sufficient.  Workers   they often serve as role models for other
          need to know the basic principles of respirator      hospital workers, and that by the simple act of
          operation in order to accept them and believe they   wearing a respirator, they may be encouraging
          can provide protection if used properly.             many other workers to wear respirators.
                                                               Unfortunately, the opposite may also be true.
                 Believe that the benefits of respirator
                 use outweigh the barriers
                                                                  Environmental     and    Organizational
          Wearing a respirator is a major inconvenience           Supports
          to most workers. A training program that
          ignores this point lacks credibility. Instead,       A safety management program cannot succeed
          emphasize that despite the drawbacks, wearing        without the sincere support and commitment of
          a respirator and protecting one’s health are         the highest levels of the organization.  A token
          worth the inconvenience.                             or superficial endorsement of the safety pro-
                                                               gram is quickly perceived by members of the or-
                                                               ganization as manipulative and hypocritical; it
              Additional     Responsibilities    of   the      is likely to produce resentment and resistance.
              Supervisor                                       Steps  an organization can take to demonstrate
          In addition to providing workers with the kind       its level of commitment to the respiratory pro-
          of information described above, the immediate        tection program might include the following:
          supervisor must take steps to assure that work-
          ers’ intentions to wear respirators are carried
          over and sustained in the workplace.  This is a             Developing and distributing a written
          continuing responsibility of the supervisor—                respiratory protection policy
          much like work scheduling and production
          oversight.  The supervisor must convey to the               Establishing a visible and formal training
          worker his or her commitment to the respirator              program documenting worker training
          program through actions as well as words. Ex-
          amples of what this requires from the supervi-              Including safety as a topic on the agenda
          sor are as follows:                                         at all meetings

                 Actively monitoring respirator use                   Tracking and documenting worker
                 Periodically complementing workers for
                 proper respirator use

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