Page 8 - 45The Paranormal
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Charles H. Smilh 17
!The Alchemists, Founders of Modern Chemistry [history & biog.] (F.S.
Taylor; H. Schuman 1949) 246 p.
*Alchemy. A Bibliography of English-language Wrifings (A. Pritchard;
Routledge & K. Paul 1980) 439 p.
!Alchemy, Ancient and Modern . . , [history & bibliog.] (H.S. Redgrove;
various reprints of 1922 2nd rev. ed.) 144 p.
*Alchemy in Europe: A Guide to Research [bibliog.] (C. Kren; Garland
1990) 130 p.
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Bibliotheca Chemica [including alchcmy] (J. Ferguson; Royal College of
Sciencc & Technology 1954 (reprint of 1906 cd.)) 2 vols.
Catalogue des Manuscrits Alchimiques Grecs . . . [alchemy-bibliog.]
(Union Academiquc Internationale 1924-) 8 vols.
The Dictionary ofAlchemy (M. Haeffner; Aquarian 1994 new ed.) 243 p.
Dicfionnaire Myiho-hermefique (A,-J. Pernety; Dcnoel 1972 (reprint of
1758 ed.)) 389 p.
Early Books on Medicine, Natural Sciences andAIchemy [bibliog.] (L‘Art
Ancien 1926-1928) 722 p.
From Alchemy to Atoms [bibliog.] (W. Alicke; Interlibrum 1975) 4 vols.
A Lexicon of Alchemy, or Alchemical Dictionary (Martinus Rulandus;
Kcssinger 1992 (reprint of 1612 ed.)) 466 p.
Laikon Alchemistisch-pharmazeutkher Symbole [dictionary] (w. Schneider;
Verlag Chemie 1981 2nd ed.) 140 p.
!Prelude to Chemisby: An Outline ofAlchem3 its Literature and Relation-
ships pibliog.] (J. Read; MIT Prcss 1966 (reprint of 1939 2nd ed.)) 327 p.
A Select Bibliography of Chemistiy, 1492-1892 [including alchemy] (H.C.
Bolton; Smithsonian Misccllaneous Collections Vol. 36 1893) 1212 p.
EGlliam Cooper h “A Catalogue ofChyrnical1 Books, 1673-88 ” [alchemy-
bibliog.] (S.J. Linden, ed.; Garland 1987) 159 p.
Interest levels in astrology have been substantial for a very long time;
of all paranormal subjects it is the one which has most touched everyday
consciousness. Accordingly, more people make a living from its practice,
directly or indirectly, than from any of the other subjects noted herethere
are, for example, several popular astrology magazines that have a circula-
tion of well ovcr 100,000. Still, it is not taken vcry seriously by the
majority of the intelligcntsia, with the result that few libraries carry just
about any of the numerous serial titles available. The subject itself is a
good deal more complex than most people realize, grading into other
mystical specialities such as numerology and cabalism.