Page 69 - Medicare Benefit Policy Manual
P. 69

Radiation Oncology

                   D.  Generally

                   FDA-approved drugs and biologicals may also be considered for use in the determination of
                   medically accepted indications for off-label use if determined by the contractor to be
                   reasonable and necessary.

                   If a use is identified as not indicated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
                   (CMS) or the FDA, or if a use is specifically identified as not indicated in one or more of the
                   compendia listed, or if the contractor determines, based on peer-reviewed medical literature,
                   that a particular use of a drug is not safe and effective, the off-label usage is not supported
                   and, therefore, the drug is not covered.

          - Process for Amending the List of Compendia for
                   Determination of Medically-Accepted Indications for Off-Label Uses of
                   Drugs and Biologicals in an Anti-Cancer Chemotherapeutic Regimen
                   (Rev. 120, Issued: 01-29-10, Effective: 01-01-10, Implementation: 03-01-10)

                   A.   Background

                   In the Physician Fee Schedule final rule for calendar year (CY) 2008, the CMS
                   established a process for revising the list of compendia, as authorized under section
                   1861(t)(2) of the Social Security Act, and also established a definition for
                   “compendium.”  At 42 CFR 414.930(a), a compendium is defined “as a comprehensive
                   listing of FDA-approved drugs and biologicals or a comprehensive listing of a specific
                   subset of drugs and biologicals in a specialty compendium, for example, a compendium
                   of anti-cancer treatment.”  A compendium: (1) includes a summary of the pharmacologic
                   characteristics of each drug or biological and may include information on dosage, as well
                   as recommended or endorsed uses in specific diseases; (2) is indexed by drug or
                   biological, and, (3) effective January 1, 2010, pursuant to section 182(b) of the Medicare
                   Improvements for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA), has a publicly transparent
                   process for evaluating therapies and for identifying potential conflicts of interests.  See 42
                   CFR 414.930(a); 72 FR 66222, 66404, and 74 FR 61901.

                   B.   Desirable Characteristics of Compendia

                   CMS increased the transparency of the process by incorporating a list of desirable
                   compendium characteristics outlined by the Medicare Evidence Development and
                   Coverage Advisory Committee (MedCAC) as criteria for decision-making.  The list of
                   desirable compendium characteristics was developed by the MedCAC during a public
                   session on March 30, 2006.  The goal of this session was to review the evidence and
                   advise CMS on the desirable characteristics of compendia for use in the determination of
                   medically accepted indications of drugs and biologicals in anti-cancer therapy.  As a
                   result of this meeting, the MedCAC generated the following list of desirable
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