Page 64 - Medicare Benefit Policy Manual
P. 64

Effective October 19, 2022, CMS adds the following coverage
                         requirements to align with additional ACIP recommendations and
                         further clarifies the 2021 update.

                         For adults aged ≥65 years who completed their vaccine series with
                         both PCV13 and PPSV23, but no PPSV23 was received at age ≥65,
                         either one dose of PCV20 is recommended at least 5 years after the
                         last pneumococcal vaccine dose, or complete the recommended
                         PPSV23 series as previously recommended.

                         Shared clinical decision-making is recommended regarding
                         administration of PCV20 for adults age ≥65 years who completed
                         their vaccine series with both PCV13 and PPSV23, and PPSV was
                         received at age ≥65.  If a decision to administer PCV20 is made, a
                         dose of PCV20 is recommended at least 5 years after the last
                         pneumococcal vaccine dose.

                         In addition, adults age ≥65 years and adults age 19-64 years with
                         certain underlying medical conditions or other risk factors who
                         received PCV13 only are recommended to receive a dose of PCV20
                         at least 1 year after the PCV13 dose, or PPSV23 as previously
                         recommended to complete their pneumococcal vaccine series.

                         ACIP recommends that adults age 19-64 years with certain
                         underlying medical conditions or other risk factors who have
                         received both PCV13 and PPSV23 with incomplete vaccination
                         status are recommended to complete their pneumococcal vaccine
                         series by receiving either a dose of PCV20 at least 5 years after the
                         last pneumococcal vaccine dose, or PPSV23 as previously

                          Those administering the vaccine should not require the
                          patient to present an immunization record prior to
                          administering the pneumococcal vaccine, nor should they feel
                          compelled to review the patient’s complete medical record if
                          it is not available. Instead, provided that the patient is
                          competent, it is acceptable to rely on the patient’s verbal
                          history to determine prior vaccination status.

                          Medicare does not require for coverage purposes that a
                          doctor of medicine or osteopathy order the vaccine.
                          Therefore, the beneficiary may receive the vaccine upon
                          request without a physician’s order and without physician

                   B. Hepatitis B Vaccine
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