Page 66 - Medicare Benefit Policy Manual
P. 66

recognized and paid for administration of the vaccine to ESRD

                       C.  Influenza Virus Vaccine

                   Effective for services furnished on or after May 1, 1993, the Medicare Part B program
                   covers  influenza virus vaccine and its administration when furnished in compliance with
                   any applicable State law by any provider of services or any entity or individual with a
                   supplier number. Typically, these vaccines are administered once a flu season. Medicare
                   does not require, for coverage purposes, that a doctor of medicine or osteopathy order the
                   vaccine. Therefore, the beneficiary may receive the vaccine upon request without a
                   physician’s order and without physician supervision.

                   50.4.5 - Off-Label Use of Drugs and Biologicals in an Anti-Cancer
                   Chemotherapeutic Regimen
                   (Rev. 212, Issued: 11-06-15, Effective: 08-12-15, Implementation: 02-10-16)

                   A.  Overview

                   Effective January 1, 1994, off-label, medically accepted indications of Food and Drug
                   Administration-(FDA) approved drugs and biologicals used in an anti-cancer
                   chemotherapeutic regimen are identified under the conditions described below.  A regimen is
                   a combination of anti-cancer agents clinically recognized for the treatment of a specific type
                   of cancer.  Off-label, medically accepted indications are supported in either one or more of
                   the compendia or in peer-reviewed medical literature.  The contractor may maintain its own
                   subscriptions to the listed compendia or peer-reviewed publications to determine the
                   medically accepted indication of drugs or biologicals used off-label in an anti-cancer
                   chemotherapeutic regimen.  Compendia documentation or peer-reviewed literature
                   supporting off-label use by the treating physician may also be requested of the physician by
                   the contractor.

                   B.  Recent Revisions to the Compendia List

                   Do not deny coverage based solely on the absence of FDA-approved labeling for the use, if
                   the use is supported by any of the following compendia and the use is not listed as
                   unsupported, not indicated, not recommended, or equivalent terms, in any of the following

                   Existing - American Hospital Formulary Service-Drug Information (AHFS-DI)

                   Effective June 5, 2008 - National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Drugs and
                   Biologics Compendium

                   Effective June 10, 2008 - Micromedex DrugDex

                   Effective July 2, 2008 - Clinical Pharmacology
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