Page 77 - Microsoft Word - Bangladesh_Diagnostic_E_final5.doc
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Annex IV

                                                         ANNEX IV

                                     LIST OF PUBLICATIONS AND DOCUMENTS
                                              ON EDUCATION STATISTICS

                        01.  Analytical Report on National Education Survey for post-primary education institutions-
                             1999 (published in 2001) (BANBEIS)

                        02.  Directory of post-primary education institution with basic information (published in 2001)
                        03.  GIS School Mapping Info Maps by Upazila/Thana (Division Volume) (published in 2001)

                        04.  Pocket Book on Educational Statistics-2000, 2001,2002,2003
                        05.  Primary Education Statistics 2000 (DPE)

                        06.  Primary Education Statistics-2001 (DPE)

                        07.   Statistical Profile on Education in Bangladesh (BANBEIS-November 2002)
                        08.  Bangladesh Educational Statistics 2003 (BANBEIS-December 2003)

                        09.  Performance report of Institutions (0%) on different public examinations held in 2001,
                             2002, 2003 and 2004 (BANBEIS)

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