Page 348 - 35Linear Algebra
P. 348

348                                                                          Sample Final Exam

                                   (d) Why is the angle between vectors V and W is not changed when you
                                       replace them by PV and PW for P any orthogonal matrix?
                                   (e) Explain how to choose an orthogonal matrix P such that MP = PD
                                       where D is a diagonal matrix.
                                   (f) For the choice of P above, define our final unknown vector Z by Y =
                                       PZ. Find an expression for Y MY in terms of Z and the eigenvalues
                                       of M.

                                   (g) Call Z =      . What equation do z and w obey? (Hint, write your
                                       answer using λ, µ and g.)
                                   (h) Central conics are circles, ellipses, hyperbolae or a pair of straight lines.
                                       Give examples of values of (λ, µ, g) which produce each of these cases.

                              13. Let L: V → W be a linear transformation between finite-dimensional vector
                                  spaces V and W, and let M be a matrix for L (with respect to some basis
                                  for V and some basis for W). We know that L has an inverse if and only if
                                  it is bijective, and we know a lot of ways to tell whether M has an inverse.
                                  In fact, L has an inverse if and only if M has an inverse:

                                   (a) Suppose that L is bijective (i.e., one-to-one and onto).
                                         i. Show that dim V = rank L = dim W.
                                        ii. Show that 0 is not an eigenvalue of M.
                                        iii. Show that M is an invertible matrix.
                                   (b) Now, suppose that M is an invertible matrix.
                                         i. Show that 0 is not an eigenvalue of M.
                                        ii. Show that L is injective.
                                        iii. Show that L is surjective.

                              14. Captain Conundrum gives Queen Quandary a pair of newborn doves, male
                                  and female for her birthday. After one year, this pair of doves breed and
                                  produce a pair of dove eggs. One year later these eggs hatch yielding a new
                                  pair of doves while the original pair of doves breed again and an additional
                                  pair of eggs are laid. Captain Conundrum is very happy because now he will
                                  never need to buy the Queen a present ever again!
                                  Let us say that in year zero, the Queen has no doves. In year one she has
                                  one pair of doves, in year two she has two pairs of doves etc... Call F n the
                                  number of pairs of doves in years n. For example, F 0 = 0, F 1 = 1 and
                                  F 2 = 1. Assume no doves die and that the same breeding pattern continues

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