Page 346 - 35Linear Algebra
P. 346
346 Sample Final Exam
11. A team of distinguished, post-doctoral engineers analyzes the design for a
bridge across the English channel. They notice that the force on the center
of the bridge when it is displaced by an amount X = is given by
−x − y
F = −x − 2y − z .
−y − z
Moreover, having read Newton’s Principiæ, they know that force is propor-
tional to acceleration so that 2
d X
F = .
dt 2
Since the engineers are worried the bridge might start swaying in the heavy
channel winds, they search for an oscillatory solution to this equation of the
form 3
X = cos(ωt) .
(a) By plugging their proposed solution in the above equations the engi-
neers find an eigenvalue problem
a a
M = −ω 2 .
c c
Here M is a 3 × 3 matrix. Which 3 × 3 matrix M did the engineers
find? Justify your answer.
(b) Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix M.
(c) The number |ω| is often called a characteristic frequency. What char-
acteristic frequencies do you find for the proposed bridge?
(d) Find an orthogonal matrix P such that MP = PD where D is a
diagonal matrix. Be sure to also state your result for D.
The bridge is intended for French and English military vehicles, so the exact units,
coordinate system and constant of proportionality are state secrets.
Here, a, b, c and ω are constants which we aim to calculate.