Page 191 - 35Linear Algebra
P. 191
8.4 Properties of the Determinant 191
Definition For M = (m ) a square matrix, the adjoint matrix adj M is
given by
adj M = (cofactor(m )) .
Example 107
2 0 1 0 1 2
det − det det
1 1 0 1 0 1
3 −1 −1
−1 −1 3 −1 3 −1
adj 1 2 0 = − det det − det
1 1 0 1 0 1
0 1 1
−1 −1 3 −1
3 −1
det − det det
2 0 1 0 1 2
Reading homework: problem 6
Let’s compute the product M adj M. For any matrix N, the i, j entry
of MN is given by taking the dot product of the ith row of M and the jth
column of N. Notice that the dot product of the ith row of M and the ith
column of adj M is just the expansion by minors of det M in the ith row.
Further, notice that the dot product of the ith row of M and the jth column
of adj M with j 6= i is the same as expanding M by minors, but with the
jth row replaced by the ith row. Since the determinant of any matrix with
a row repeated is zero, then these dot products are zero as well.
We know that the i, j entry of the product of two matrices is the dot
product of the ith row of the first by the jth column of the second. Then:
M adj M = (det M)I
Thus, when det M 6= 0, the adjoint gives an explicit formula for M −1 .
Theorem 8.4.2. For M a square matrix with det M 6= 0 (equivalently, if M
is invertible), then
M −1 = adj M
det M
The Adjoint Matrix