P. 39

3.8.8. Genital Herpes (herpes progenitalis)

               Usually due to HSV - 2 causing 85% (  >15% can be caused by HSV -1) of initial

               infections and up to 98% of recurrent lesions
               In the mid 1980’s because of the change in the sexual behavior, the prevalence of

               HSV – 1 began to increase. In developed countries up to 40% of the anogenital herpes
               in women is caused by HSV – 1

               HSV – 1 is associated with less recurrence rate than HSV – 2

               Genital herpes → transmitted by skin-to-skin contact

               Incubation Period: 5 days

               Asymptomatic shading occurs in all sites (vagina, cervix, and  mucous membranes)
               even through normal appearing skin and mucous membranes.

               Grouped blisters and erosions in the vagina, vulva, penis … continues to develop in 7
               – 14 days. Lesions are bilateral and symmetrical, inguinal lymph nodes may be

               enlarged, fever and flu like symptom may be there. Pain, dysuria, and dysparunia may
               also be observed.

               Previous HSV – 1 lessens the severity resembling recurrent genital herpes.

               Most HSV – 2 will have recurrence even if the initial infection was asymptomatic which
               is estimated to be 6 times more frequent than HSV – 1


               Nature:  24 hrs prodromal symptoms  → 24 hrs vesicles appear  → 24 – 36 hrs

               ulceration → 2 – 3 days healing: TOTAL: 7 days recurrence

               Sites and clinical presentation:
               9  Genitalia and upper buttocks are the common sites for occurrence

               9  Healing without scar

               9  Social stigma – the emotion from recurrent lifelong disease
               9 Guilt

               9  Blamefulness of the presumed source (i.e. partner)

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