Page 7 - Layout 1
P. 7
Figure B. PRISMA diagram
Articles identified
Articles identified
through database Articles nominated
through search of
searching after by TEP members
grey literature
duplicates (n=5)
removed (n=255)
Total number of articles (n=431) FDA drug safety
Articles identified Articles screened at Articles excluded
from reviews/ Level 1(n=427) (n=215)
and reference lists of Full text articles excluded, with reasons
Screening (n=77) (n=197)
included studies
61: SQ tertubaline pump was not given as
maintenance tocolytic therapy in at least one
51: Review article, letter to editor, commentary,
or newspaper article
25: Study of maternal/neonatal outcomes or
Full text assessed for
harms with no comparison group (including
eligibility at Levels 2 and 3 studies where women served as their own
(n=212) controls)
18: Single or multiple (individual) case report
13: Miscellaneous (no patient data, clearly not
Eligibility 12: Non-English abstract or full-text/insufficient
relevant to the pump, betamimetic treatment
not specified)
information provided in abstract (full-text not
Full-text unavailable
7: in Englsih)
4: Did not include women with arrested preterm
Included studies labor
(n=15) 3: Did not assess one of the specified outcomes
2: Companion article with no additional data
1: Study design did not allow for evaluation of
SQ terbutaline pump as the sole maintenance
tocolytic therapy
Included FDA summary
studies Companion of post-
(n=14) (n=1) marketing data