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leukomalacia, retinopathy of prematurity, seizures,  e.  multiple gestation?
            sepsis, and stillbirth for the following subgroups:
                                                                f.  racial or ethnic subgroups?
            a.  women <28 weeks of gestation (extremely
                                                                g.  women with previous preterm birth?
                                                                h.  women with history of preeclampsia?
            b.  women between 28 weeks and 31 weeks of
                gestation (very preterm)?                       i.  women with RPTL and women without RPTL?
            c.  women between 32 weeks and 33 weeks of          Key Question 3: increase the maternal harms of
                gestation (preterm)?                            arrhythmia, heart failure, hyperglycemia,
                                                                hypokalemia, maternal mortality, myocardial
            d.  women between 34 weeks and 36 weeks of
                                                                infarction, pulmonary edema, or refractory
                gestation (later preterm)?
                                                                hypotension, or result in an increased rate of
            e.  multiple gestation?                             maternal discontinuation of therapy or maternal
                                                                withdrawal due to adverse effects (Withdrawal-AE)?
            f.  racial or ethnic subgroups?
                                                                Key Question 4: increase the neonatal terbutaline-
            g.  women with previous preterm birth?
                                                                related harms of hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, and
            h.  women with history of preeclampsia?             ileus?
            i.  women with RPTL and women without RPTL?         Key Question 5: Can the differences in the outcomes

            Key Question 2: improve other surrogate outcomes,   above be partially explained by the differences in
            including gestational age at delivery, incidence of  level of care (e.g., frequency of followup, nurse visits,
            delivery at various gestational ages (<28 weeks, < 32  concomitant treatment, etc.) and level of activity
            weeks, <34 weeks, <37 weeks), mean prolongation of  (e.g., other children in the home, marital/support
            pregnancy (days), birth weight, ratio of birth      status, working status, bedrest, etc.) between the
            weight/gestational age at delivery, pregnancy       terbutaline pump group and the comparator group?
            prolongation index, need for assisted ventilation,
                                                                Key Question 6: What is the incidence of failure of
            need for oxygen per nasal cannula, and neonatal
                                                                the pump device used for terbutaline infusion,
            intensive care unit (NICU) admission for the
                                                                including missed doses, dislodgment, and overdose?
            following subgroups:
            a.  women <28 weeks of gestation (extremely         Analytic Framework
                                                                We developed an analytic framework depicting links
            b.  women between 28 weeks and 31 weeks of          between the intervention and related clinical and
                gestation (very preterm)?                       intermediate efficacy and harms outcomes and other
            c.  women between 32 weeks and 33 weeks of          unintended adverse effects (Figure A). In the framework
                gestation (preterm)?                            below, the key questions of interest can be seen to
                                                                encompass a holistic inquiry of the topic.
            d.  women between 34 weeks and 36 weeks of
                gestation (later preterm)?

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