Page 93 - Cardiac testing for coronary artery disease in potential kidney transplant recipients
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Table 1. Description of index tests  (Continued)

                                                inter-observer vari-

                 Resting ECG    Transthoracic inter- Provides  in- Neither  sensitive Dichotomous (i.e. None
                                pretationof the elec- formation regarding nor specific  presence or absence
                                trical activity of the the  elec- Does not provide of certain ECG fea-
                                heart over time cap- trical function of the any information of tures)
                                tured and externally myocardium, which reversible ischaemia
                                recorded by skin may suggest pre-ex-
                                electrodes      isting ischaemia, left
                                                ular hypertrophy or

                 CIMT           Measurement of the Non-invasive  Neither highly sen- Continuous  Yes. This will vary
                                thickness of artery            sitive nor specific             depending   on
                                walls, usually by ex-          Does not provide               the institution (e.g.
                                ternal ultrasound, to          any information on             0.75 mm)
                                detect both the pres-          cardiac function
                                ence and to track
                                the progression of
                                atherosclerotic dis-
                                ease         in
                                humans. Used as a
                                surrogate marker for

                 Cardiopulmonary  Evaluates both car- Non-invasive mea- Not commonly per- Dichotomous (e.g. Yes, although these
                 exercise testing  diac and pulmonary surement of ventric- formed  stress ECG positive will vary for dif-
                                func-           ular function, respi-          or stress ECG nega- ferent variables and
                                tion. Cardiac func- ratory function and        tive; presence or ab- for different institu-
                                tion is evaluated in cellular function via     sence of cardiac fail- tions
                                terms of aerobic ca- measurement of gas        ure) and
                                pacity and respira- exchange, as well          Contin-
                                tory function   as detection of my-            uous (e.g. measure-
                                The subject is ex- ocardial ischaemia          ment of the max-
                                ercised on a bi- Excellent  method             imum aerobic ca-
                                cycle ergometer or of evaluating fitness        pacity and anaero-
                                treadmill. The test and operative fitness       bic threshold)
                                enables calculation
                                of maximal aero-
                                bic capacity and the
                                point during exer-
                                cise where anaerobic
                                metabolism is used
                                to supplement aer-
                                obic metabolism as
                                a source of energy.
                                These can be mea-

                Cardiac testing for coronary artery disease in potential kidney transplant recipients (Review)  91
                Copyright © 2011 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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