Page 72 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
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Table 3. Eligibility criteria for enrollment in protocols with curative intent in chronological order of starting enrollment year (continued)
 Center, Country   Term used in   Age   Gleason score   # biopsy   PSA   Imaging   Stage   Behavioral indication (other
 [Pubmed ID]   original article   (yr)   cores /%   (ng/mL)   than patients’ choice or
 Enrollment years   cores                            preference)
 UCSF, US 111,133    AS   –   ≤6; no   Cancer   <10   –   T1/T2a        life
 [18433013]   Gleason   involvement of                                  expectancy
    pattern 4 or 5   <33% of biopsy   A priori exception: <15           >3 mo  133
 >1991      cores   for men with
 A priori      concurrent benign
 exception:   <50% of the   prostatic hyperplasia
 having a   length of a tumor   or prostatitis 133
 Gleason score   core involved by
 of 4 reported   carcinoma 133
 only in a
 microfocus of   A priori exception:
 tumor 133    having >33%
 positive biopsy
 cores due to a
 microfocus 133
 Royal Marsden   AS   –   ≤7 (primary   Less than half of   ≤20 112    –   T1–2, N0/X,   –
 Hospital,   ≤3)   the biopsy cores                  M0/X
 UK 112,124,134       positive (octant   <15 124
 [15839912;   <3+4 134    biopsy). 124
    <20% core
 1993-2002;   positive 134
 ≥2002; 124  2004-
 2006 134
 Johns Hopkins,   AS (or EM   –   ≤6   ≤2 cores cancer   PSA density (PSA   TRUS to   T1c   –
 US 113    with curative   positive; ≤50%   before diagnosis   determine PSA
 [20439642]   intent)   cancer in any   divided by prostate   density
    single core   volume) ≤0.15
 1994-2008   ng/mL/cm3
 Toronto-SRCC,   WW; AS    –   ≤7 114    –   ≤15 114    Chest X-ray,   T1b-T2b N0 M0   –
 Canada 114,125                  TRUS of the         (1997 TNM
 [11395227;   ≤6; ≤3+4 (if   ≤10; <15 (if ≥70   prostate were   classification)
 19917860]   ≥70 yr) 125    yr) 125    mandatory.
                                 Bone scan and
 1995-2002 as a                  CT scan of the
 phase II trial;                 abdomen and
 2003-ongoing as                 pelvis were
 an open                         performed at
 prospective                     the clinicians’
 cohort                          discretion.

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