Page 53 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
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collects data from 40 urology practices in the United States (34 community based, 3
Veterans Administration [VA])-based and 3 academic center based). Although
CaPSURE patients are broadly representative of prostate cancer diagnosed in the
community, patient selection is not based on a formal population sampling scheme.
• The NCDB is an oncology outcomes database encompassing more than 1,500 cancer
programs in the U.S. (including Puerto Rico) accredited by the Commission on Cancer of
the American College of Surgeons and the American Cancer Society.
• Other databases utilized by the primary studies were the Patterns of Care study
(sponsored by NCI and based on sampling participants through SEER) and the Los
Angeles County/University of Southern California (LAC/USC) Cancer Surveillance
Program (which is now a component registry of SEER).
In addition to the above databases, several studies obtained prostate cancer mortality data
f rom the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) of the Centers for Disease Control and
P revention (CDC), the U.S. principal health agency for vital statistics.
Included studies had large sample sizes (median sample size = 54,670 patients; 25 -75
p ercentile 11,161-138,387), were published between 1990 and 2011, and analyzed data from
1 969 to 2008. Figure 3 presents the years covered by each primary study and the databases used.
A ppendix Tables C1.1-C1.14 present additional information about each of the studies relevant to
K ey Question 1.
We organized the 79 studies into four groups, each of which is discussed in the following
s ections:
1. studies investigating trends in prostate cancer incidence
2. studies investigating trends in prostate cancer mortality or survival
3. studies investigating patient-, tumor-, or system-level characteristics at prostate cancer
diagnosis, and
4. studies presenting information in treatment trends over time
d See; last accessed September 30, 2011.
e See; last accessed September 30, 2011.
f See; last accessed September 30, 2011.