Page 51 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
P. 51
Our literature searches for prostate cancer systematic reviews, for large registry databases,
and for AS/WW publications yielded 707, 647, and 821 citations, respectively. From these, 914
articles were provisionally accepted for review based on the abstracts and titles. Additional
citations recommended by technical expert panel, from reference lists of relevant systematic
reviews, or identified through targeted searches of the Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Registry,
were also accepted for review. After full-text screening, 195 papers and 4 evidence/economic
reports met criteria and are included in the review (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Literature flow
The numbers of studies for each Key Question do not sum to the total number of included studies because some studies addressed
multiple Key Questions. AS = active surveillance; CDSR = Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews; HTA = Health
Technology Assessment; CCRCT = Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials; CEA Registry = cost effectiveness analysis
registry; EPC = Evidence-based Practice Center; ICER = Institute for Clinical and Economic Reviews; TEP = technical expert
panel; RCTs = randomized controlled trials; WW = watchful waiting.