Page 437 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
P. 437

Appendix Table C3.2. KQ3 multivariable analyses (continued)
 Author   Factors   Data source   Duration   Analyzed   Population   WW/AS   Methods   Results as described in paper
 yr   sample   characteristics  definitions
 Yan 177    Clinical   Survey of   1989-  1809 of 2345   Screen-  Not   Multinomial   1. Non-Black more likely (than
 2000   men   1998   provided   detected,   explicitly   logistic   Black) to choose RP than WW
 10699903   diagnosed   followup   clinically   provided   regression   [OR=4.3 (1.7, 10.9)] or
 with prostate   questionnaire  localized   (WW vs. RP   (nonsignificantly) RT than WW
 cancer   information   prostate cancer   vs. RT)   [OR=2.6 (0.86, 7.7)]
 (through the                                    2. Clinical stage T2 more likely
 Washington                                      (than T1) to choose RP than WW
 U. PSA                                          [OR=3.0 (1.8, 4.8)] or RT than WW
 Prostate                                        [OR=2.8 (1.6, 4.7)]
 Cancer                                          3. No urinary dysfunction more
 Screening                                       likely (than yes) to choose RP than
 Program) who                                    WW [OR=1.8 (1.13, 2.8)] but NS
 chose 1 of 3                                    RT vs. WW [OR=1.08 (0.66-1.8)]
 tx (RP, RT or                                   4. No sexual dysfunction NS RP
 WW)                                             vs. WW [OR=0.83 (0.5, 1.3)] but
                                                 less likely to choose RT than WW
                                                 [OR=0.52 (0.30, 0.84)]
                                                 5. PSA level, for every 1 ng/mL
                                                 increase (at dx) RP more likely
                                                 than WW [OR=1.12 (1.04, 1.20)]
                                                 and RT than WW [OR=1.15 (1.07,
                                                 6. Age, for every 5-yr increase RP
                                                 less likely than WW [OR=0.21
                                                 (0.17, 0.27)] and RT less likely
                                                 than WW [OR=0.49 (0.39, 0.63)]

                                                 NS: marital status, education,
                                                 income, indication for biopsy, and
                                                 a Charlson-like comorbidity score.

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