Page 348 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
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Appendix Table C2.1. Eligibility criteria, follow-up protocols, triggers for intervention and definition of progression in cohorts of active
                                        surveillance/ watchful waiting/other observational management strategies (continued)

                                        Center, Country       Eligibility criteria                 Followup or monitoring protocol                       Triggers for intervention/        Definition of
                                        [PMID]                                                                                                             active therapy                    progression
                                        Enrollment year
                                                                measured by
                                                                during TRUS.
                                                                After a PCA
                                                                diagnosis, men
                                                                are referred to
                                                                the regular
                                                                medical circuit
                                                                (which may be
                                                                the ERSPC
                                                                centre), where
                                                                decisions on
                                                                treatment are
                                                                made. 151
                                        Four tertiary care    Patients who         Office visits, review of general health and urinary symptoms,         Criteria for recommending         NR
                                        academic medical        would otherwise       DRE and PSA every 6 to 12 mo, rebiopsies within 18 mo of             treatment were
                                        canters,  US 109        be considered         starting AS and subsequently every 1 to 3 yr or prompted by a        nonstandardized and
                                        [19233410]              for surgery or        change in clinical status (e.g., significant and sustained PSA       physician specific.
                                                                radiation due to      increase). MRI of the prostate was selectively used at
                                        1991-2007               a life                diagnosis and every 1 to 3 yr after starting AS.
                                                                expectancy >10
                                                                yr, and were
                                                                defined as age
                                                                ≤75 yr, clinical
                                                                stage T1-T2a,
                                                                PSA ≤10
                                                                ng/mL, ≤3
                                                                positive cores
                                                                at diagnostic
                                                                biopsy, Gleason
                                                                score ≤6, no
                                                                active treatment
                                                                for a minimum
                                                                of 6 mo after
                                                                the second

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