Page 187 - 16Neonatal Jaundice_compressed
P. 187

Neonatal jaundice

                         The base-case estimate of the lifetime cost of kernicterus is based on a legal settlement and, as
                         such, may include costs over and above those which are deemed relevant for the perspective
                         used  by  NICE  in  economic  evaluation.  A  US  study 234   used  mean  lifetime  direct  and  indirect
                         costs of cerebral palsy as a proxy for kernicterus costs and as a result used a cost of $921,000 (at
                         2003 prices).  However, this method may underestimate the costs as kernicterus is associated
                         with severe cerebral palsy. Also, untreated hyperbilirubinaemia can also cause  hearing loss
                         without cerebral palsy  with a need for cochlear implants and the potential cost savings from
                         averting these complications are not explicitly considered within the model. The base-case
                         QALY loss of a kernicterus case can be considered as an upper bound estimate as it is based on
                         assuming a health state that is as bad as death.

                         Table C.1  Population characteristics
                         Item               Value   Source     Notes
                         Births             690 000 Office for   Based on 2007 births
                                                   (2008) 238
                         Babies identified as   60%   GDG
                         jaundiced on visual
                         Babies currently tested  10%   GDG    Testing is assumed to be with TSB
                         for jaundice on basis
                         of visual examination
                         Mean number of tests  1.33   Kuzniewicz et  Pre-universal screening this US study estimated 0.8 tests
                         per baby tested a         al. (2008)    per baby. We assumed that this was based on 60% of
                                                               babies being tested, on the basis of the GDG’s estimate
                                                               of babies identified as visually jaundiced in the UK. A
                                                               weighted average was then used to estimate the tests
                                                               per baby in the 60% tested that would give an average
                                                               of 0.8 tests per baby overall. In addition, the GDG
                                                               considered this a reasonable estimate.
                         a   A TCB positive followed by a TSB is considered as a single test for the purposes of this analysis.

                         Table C.2  Cost–benefit parameters
                         Item           Value     Sensitivity analysis  Source
                         Kernicterus case   £5.5 million  £0–10 million   JMW Clinical
                                                                   Negligence Solicitors    us_bilirubinaemia
                         Discount rate   3.5%                      NICE guidelines manual  Both costs and QALYs are
                                                                   (2009) 237          discounted
                         QALY gained per  25      0–25             Calculation         This is an approximation,
                         kernicterus case                                              based on an assumption
                         avoided                                                       that the quality of life
                                                                                       with kernicterus is not
                                                                                       much better than death
                         Willingness to   £20,000                  NICE guidelines manual  An advisory threshold
                         pay for a QALY                            (2009) 237

                         The  resource  ‘ingredients’  and  their  unit  costs  for  TSB  and  TCB  are  shown  in  Table C.3  and
                         Table C.4, respectively. The resource items include any of the additional staff time required to
                         undertake a  test as part of a routine postnatal visit.  It also includes equipment costs and
                         consumables, those resources that are used up in the provision of the test that cannot be reused.

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