Page 138 - 16Neonatal Jaundice_compressed
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                                      Phototherapy  No treatment  Risk Ratio          Risk Ratio
                          Study or Subgroup  Events  Total Events  Total Weight  M-H, Fixed, 95% CI  M-H, Fixed, 95% CI
                          1.1.1 No treatment
                          F - Ju 1991    0   13   4   17  6.4%  0.14 [0.01, 2.44]
                          F - Lewis 1982  0  20   3   20  5.7%  0.14 [0.01, 2.60]
                          F - Martinez 1993  6  74  11  51  21.1%  0.38 [0.15, 0.95]
                          F - NICHHD 1985 a  3  70  18  71  29.0%  0.17 [0.05, 0.55]
                          F - NICHHD 1985 b  14  140  23  136  37.8%  0.59 [0.32, 1.10]
                          Subtotal (95% CI)  317     295 100.0%  0.37 [0.24, 0.58]
                          Total events  23        59
                          Heterogeneity: Chi² = 4.74, df = 4 (P = 0.31); I² = 16%
                          Test for overall effect: Z = 4.32 (P < 0.0001)
                                                                        0.01    0.1      1       10     100
                                                                             Favours Phototherapy Favours No treatment
                         Figure 7.  2    Number of treatment failures  when conventional photothearay is compared  with  no
                         treatment in term babies

                         Although only two studies 129   contributed data,  there was  a  statistically  significantly greater
                         decrease in the mean serum bilirubin levels in the conventional phototherapy group compared
                         with   the no treatment group     (MD = −45.55 micromol/litre,   95% CI   −46.35 to
                         −44.75 micromol/litre) (Figure 7.3). There was significant heterogeneity (I² = 100%).

                                       Conventional Phototherapy  Comparison  Mean Difference  Mean Difference
                          Study or Subgroup  Mean  SD  Total  Mean  SD Total Weight  IV, Fixed, 95% CI  IV, Fixed, 95% CI
                          1.19.1 No treatment
                          F - Bryla 1985 a  -94  5   70  -32  4  71  28.5% -62.00 [-63.50, -60.50]
                          F - Bryla 1985 b  -139  4  140  -100  4  136  71.5% -39.00 [-39.94, -38.06]
                          Subtotal (95% CI)          210       207 100.0% -45.55 [-46.35, -44.75]
                          Heterogeneity: Chi² = 649.54, df = 1 (P < 0.00001); I² = 100%
                          Test for overall effect: Z = 111.84 (P < 0.00001)
                                                                                   -100  -50  0     50  100
                                                                                   Favours conventional  Favours No treatment
                          Test for subgroup differences: Not applicable
                         Figure 7.3   Mean decrease in serum bilirubin when conventional phototherapy is compared with
                         no treatment in term babies

                         See  below  for  the  overall  evidence summary  and  GDG  translation  from  evidence  for
                         phototherapy in term/normal-birthweight babies.
                         Conventional phototherapy versus multiple phototherapy

                         Description of included studies
                         Four  studies 135-138   with  328  participants  were  included  but  not  all  subjects  were  used  in  this
                         comparison as some studies had additional treatment arms examining other types of
                         phototherapy. Two of the studies were from Thailand, 136;137  one from Saudi Arabia 135  and one
                         from Singapore. 138  The evidence level of the included studies ranged from EL 1− to EL 1+. One
                         study 138  specified the method of randomisation used as the lottery method while the remaining
                         three studies did not report the method used. One study 135  reported using sealed envelopes as
                         allocation concealment.

                         The mean gestational age of the study participants ranged from  37.9 ± 2.1 weeks to
                         38.7 ± 1.3 weeks, the mean birthweight ranged from 2921 ± 696 g to 3130 ± 311 g, the mean
                         age at entry to the study ranged from 37.9 ± 24.1 hours to 96.9 ± 30.9 hours (not reported in
                         one study) and the mean baseline serum bilirubin levels ranged from 185 ± 56 micromol/litre to
                         316 ± 47 micromol/litre. In all, 185 (56.4%) of participants were male.
                         Review findings

                         In a meta-analysis of these for studies, there were no cases of exchange transfusion or treatment
                         failures and only three cases of rebound jaundice, two in the conventional phototherapy group
                         and one in the multiple phototherapy group, but this difference was not statistically significant.
                         There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of mean duration of

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