Page 137 - 16Neonatal Jaundice_compressed
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Neonatal jaundice

              7.2.1      Type of phototherapy to use

                         Phototherapy in term/normal-birthweight babies

                         Nineteen of the included studies contributed to the following comparisons:
                         ●  conventional phototherapy versus usual care/no treatment (seven studies from six articles)
                         ●  conventional phototherapy versus multiple phototherapy (four studies)
                         ●  conventional phototherapy versus fibreoptic phototherapy (six studies)
                         ●  conventional phototherapy versus LED phototherapy (two studies).

                         Conventional phototherapy versus no treatment

                         Description of included studies
                         Seven  studies 129-134   from  six  articles  with  667  participants  were  included  in  this  comparison.
                         One reference 129   included  three separate  groups  each of which was randomly allocated to
                         treatment or control.  Three of the studies were carried out in the USA 129;130;133  and one each in
                         Italy, 132  Taiwan 134  and the UK. 131  The evidence level of the included studies ranged from EL 1−
                         to EL 1++. Three studies specified the method of randomisation used as a random numbers
                         table, 129;131   one  study  used  a  computer-generated  sequence 133   and  one  used  a  coin-toss
                         method. 130  The remaining two studies did not report the method used. Two studies 129  reported
                         using sealed envelopes as allocation concealment.

                         Where reported, the mean and standard deviation for gestational age of the study participants
                         ranged from 39.0 ± 0.8 weeks to 39.2 ± 0.9 weeks, mean birthweight ranged from 2155 ± 632 g
                         to 3404 ± 361 g, mean age at entry to study ranged from 48.1 ± 14.7 hours to 97.2 ± 22.4 hours
                         and mean baseline serum bilirubin levels ranged from 174 ± 40 micromol/litre  to
                         306 ± 12 micromol/litre. In the studies that reported gender, 377 participants (52%) were male.
                         Review findings

                         The results from a meta-analysis of these  studies showed that  significantly fewer exchange
                         transfusions were carried out in babies treated with conventional phototherapy (RR 0.36,
                         95% CI 0.22 to 0.59) (Figure 7.1). Heterogeneity was within acceptable limits (I² = 42%). The
                         number needed to treat with phototherapy to prevent one exchange transfusion was 10.

                                      Phototherapy  No treatment  Risk Ratio          Risk Ratio
                          Study or Subgroup  Events  Total Events  Total Weight  M-H, Fixed, 95% CI  M-H, Fixed, 95% CI
                          1.1.1 No treatment
                          F - Ju 1991    0   13   0   13        Not estimable
                          F - Lewis 1982  0  20   0   20        Not estimable
                          F - Martinez 1993  0  74  0  51       Not estimable
                          F - Meloni 1974  2  12  6   12  11.3%  0.33 [0.08, 1.33]
                          F - NICHHD 1985 a  3  70  18  71  33.6%  0.17 [0.05, 0.55]
                          F - NICHHD 1985 b  14  140  23  136  43.9%  0.59 [0.32, 1.10]
                          F - Sisson 1971  0  19  5   16  11.2%  0.08 [0.00, 1.30]
                          Subtotal (95% CI)  348     319 100.0%  0.36 [0.22, 0.59]
                          Total events  19        52
                          Heterogeneity: Chi² = 5.16, df = 3 (P = 0.16); I² = 42%
                          Test for overall effect: Z = 4.08 (P < 0.0001)
                                                                        0.01    0.1      1       10     100
                                                                             Favours Phototherapy Favours No treatment
                         Figure 7.1   Number of exchange transfusions needed when conventional phototherapy is compared
                         with no treatment in term babies

                         Five  studies 129;131;133;134   examined  treatment  failure  as  an  outcome.  This  was  defined  as  either
                         two successive rises  in serum bilirubin after initiation  of phototherapy, serum bilirubin rising
                         above predefined levels or the need for exchange transfusion. The RR was 0.37 (95% CI 0.24 to
                         0.58) (Figure 7.2). Heterogeneity was within acceptable limits (I² = 16%).

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