Page 114 - 16Neonatal Jaundice_compressed
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                         baby. Therefore, it seems likely that a more intensive testing strategy would overcome some of
                         the limitations of  visual  examination,  leading to better and earlier detection of cases  which
                         would benefit from appropriate treatment. A threshold analysis was undertaken to estimate the
                         number of  kernicterus cases that  would have to be averted in order for the more intensive
                         testing strategies to be considered cost-effective.
                         The economic analysis  suggested that, providing the testing strategy using transcutaneous
                         bilirubin measurement could be delivered with  fewer  than  9200  meters (without  disposable
                         tips) in England and Wales, it would be more cost-effective than a strategy where all visually
                         jaundiced babies had a serum bilirubin. The threshold analysis suggested that a  minimum of
                         1.52 kernicterus cases per annum would have to be avoided in order for more intensive testing
                         to be considered cost-effective, but that a smaller number of averted cases could be cost-
                         effective if fewer than 9200 meters were required.
                         Overall GDG translation from evidence (5.2.2)

                         Evidence  shows  that  transcutaneous  bilirubin  measurements  help  with  the  assessment  of  the
                         degree  of  jaundice  and  are  more accurate  than  visual inspection. Good-quality  indirect
                         evidence shows that the BiliChek produces more accurate results than the Minolta JM-102 or
                         JM-103 in babies  with dark skin tones but there are  currently no published  studies directly
                         comparing the BiliChek and the JM-103. The GDG understands that there are differences in the
                         design of these devices but is unable to recommend a particular device over another.

                         Studies have used the forehead or sternum as the primary site for transcutaneous bilirubin
                         measurement, and the results are comparable. The opinion of the  GDG is that measurement
                         over  the  sternum  is  more  acceptable  to  parents  and  babies.  Sternal  measurement  avoids  the
                         problem of failing to obtain a reading because the baby wrinkles his or her forehead when
                         crying. Measurement using the forehead carries a potential risk of injuring the eye if the baby
                         The  difference  between  transcutaneous  bilirubin  and  serum  bilirubin  widens  at  levels  above
                         250 micromol/litre and, as few babies with high levels were studied, transcutaneous bilirubin
                         cannot be recommended at levels above 250 micromol/litre. If a transcutaneous bilirubinometer
                         records a bilirubin level above 250 micromol/litre, a serum bilirubin level should be taken to
                         check the bilirubin level accurately. The GDG opinion is that transcutaneous bilirubin should
                         not be used in very preterm  babies (gestational age  < 35 weeks) because they are more
                         vulnerable than term babies to kernicterus at relatively low levels of bilirubin and therefore
                         need  more accurate testing,  and because  the evidence for accuracy of transcutaneous
                         bilirubinometers in this group is unclear. The  GDG has made research recommendations for
                         both the BiliCheck and JM-103 to be studies in these subgroups of babies with jaundice.
                         Based on the evidence reviewed in Section 5.1, the GDG is satisfied that visual inspection, by
                         parents or clinical staff, is effective in ruling out jaundice but is unreliable in assessing the depth
                         of jaundice. The GDG recognises that transcutaneous bilirubinometers are non-invasive and are
                         more acceptable than blood sampling. The GDG considers that transcutaneous bilirubinometers
                         should be used after 24 hours of age to avoid problems associated with taking and acting upon
                         blood samples in the community.  However,  if transcutaneous bilirubinometers are not
                         available, serum bilirubin levels should be monitored and recorded.
                         The NICE guideline on ‘Postnatal care’ recommends that if ‘jaundice develops in babies aged
                         24 hours and older, the intensity should be monitored and systematically recorded along with
                         the baby’s overall well-being  with particular regard to hydration and alertness’
                         (  The GDG  considers  that any healthcare  professional  can  be
                         responsible for monitoring and recording the baby’s bilirubin.

                         Current practice is to perform serum bilirubin on a small minority of jaundiced babies, and there
                         are five to seven cases of kernicterus each year in the UK. The GDG is of the opinion that the
                         current practice of assessing the depth of jaundice by visual inspection in the majority of babies
                         is unacceptable in view of the evidence which shows that this is inaccurate. The GDG is of the
                         opinion that bilirubin measurement within 6 hours is required for all jaundiced babies. Options
                         include serum bilirubin testing in all term babies who are jaundiced, or transcutaneous bilirubin
                         in those of gestational age ≥ 35 weeks followed by serum bilirubin in appropriate subgroups.

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