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The primary economic focus in this guideline was on alternative fluid management therapy for
                        children with dehydration. A decision-analytic model was developed to compare ORT with IVT.
                        A simple economic analysis was also carried out in order to help guide recommendations on
                        the use of ondansetron in vomiting children. The results of both analyses are summarised in the
                        guideline text and a detailed description of the models has been included in Appendices A and
                        B, respectively.

            1.7.4       Forming and grading recommendations

                        The  evidence  tables,  evidence  overviews  and  summaries  for  the  key  clinical  questions
                        being discussed were made available to the GDG before the scheduled GDG meetings, and
                        GDG  members  were  expected  to  have  read  these  in  advance.  For  each  clinical  question,
                        recommendations  were  derived  using,  and  explicitly  linked  to,  the  evidence  that  supported
                        them. Informal consensus methods were used by the GDG to agree evidence statements and
                        recommendations, including the areas where important clinical questions were identified but
                        no substantial evidence existed. The process by which the evidence statements informed the
                        recommendations is summarised in a ‘GDG translation’ section in the relevant evidence review.
                        Formal consensus methods were used to agree guideline recommendations and select eight key
                        priorities for implementation.

            1.7.5       External review

                        This guideline has been developed in accordance with the NICE guideline development process.
                        This  has  included  giving  registered  stakeholder  organisations  the  opportunity  to  comment
                        on  the  scope  of  the  guideline  at  the  initial  stage  of  development  and  on  the  evidence  and
                        recommendations at the concluding stage. In addition, the guideline was peer reviewed.

            1.8         Schedule for updating the guideline

                        Clinical guidelines commissioned by NICE are published with a review date 4 years from date
                        of  publication.  Reviewing  may  begin  earlier  than  4  years  if  significant  evidence  that  affects
                        guideline recommendations is identified sooner. The updated guideline will be available within
                        2 years of the start of the review process.

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