Page 115 - Screening for Cervical Cancer: Systematic Evidence Review
P. 115
Appendix C. Evidence Tables
Evidence Table 1A. Screening Among Older Women (cont'd)
Screening Outcomes & Quality
Participants Program Measures Relevant Results Considerations
N = 2,561 Annual Primary Timing of abnormal smears after Denom=2
women with screening outcome = new prior normal Attrition=2
normal baseline during an cytologic 1 year later 78/2561 (3.0%) Indications=2
smears average of 4 abnormality 2 years later 32/2346 (1.4%) Interval=1
years of study Defined as Total 110 abnormals Age=0
Mean age: 66 participation ASCUS, Relevance=2
Nonwhite: AGCUS, LSIL, Final Diagnosis Standard=1
~ 10% or HSIL NL LSIL HSIL Endo* UKN Score=10
OUTCOME ASCUS 66 2 1 1 4 Grade=Fair
AGCUS 20 2 --- --- 1
RATE LSIL 8 2 --- --- 2
HSIL --- --- 1 --- ---
Secondary Total 94 6 2 1 7
outcome * Endometrial hyperplasia without atypia
Results of
evaluation for
abnormal Pap