Page 113 - Screening for Cervical Cancer: Systematic Evidence Review
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Appendix C.  Evidence Tables

               Evidence Table 1A.  Screening Among Older Women (cont'd)

                                 Screening     Outcomes &                                         Quality
                 Participants    Program        Measures             Relevant Results         Considerations
               N = 128,805                   Primary        AGE:                              Denom=2
               women with                    outcome =      Incidence of abnormalities within 36  Attrition=2
               initial normal                HSIL+  on      month following 1, 2, or 3        Indications=1
               Pap and at                    cytology       consecutive normal smears         Interval=2
               least another in                                                     LSIL         HSIL+   Age=2
               the timeframe                                                            %                %          Relevance=2
                                                            <30         (1)    3.47              0.65   Standard=0
               Mean age =                                                  (2)    2.33              0.67   Score=11
               49.9   13.3 yrs                                             (3)    1.70              0.62
                                                            30-39              1.48              0.44   Grade=Fair
                                                                                   0.90              0.11
                                                                                   0.40              0.11
                                                            40-49              0.85              0.18
                                                                                   0.75              0.16
                                                                                   0.40              0.02
                                                            50-59              0.49              0.19
                                                                                   0.31              0.10
                                                                                   0.22              0.06
                                                            ≥ 60              0.35              0.12
                                                                                   0.30              0.09
                                                                                   0.14              0.02

                                                            PRIOR HISTORY:
                                                            Age& interval adjusted relative risk
                                                            #prior normals    RR/1,000        (95%CI)
                                                                      1                       23.6
                                                                      2                       16.5   (12.0-22.4)
                                                                      3+                       7.6     (4.0-14.2)

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