Page 165 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 165

C O O R D I N A T I O N  C O M  P O U N D S                         IR-9.2

                          Donor a toms of a  p articular e lement may be distinguished by adding a  r ight superscript
                       numerical locant to the italicized element symbol or, in simple cases  ( such  a s  E xample 3
                       below), a  prime or primes.
                          Superscript numerals, on the other hand, are based on an appropriate numbering of some
                       or all of the atoms of the ligand, such as numbering of the skeletal atoms in parent hydrides,
                       and allow the position of the bond(s)  t o  t he central atom to be specified even in quite

                       complex  c ases. In the simple  c ase of acetylacetonate, MeCOCHCOMe , m  entioned above,
                       the ligand name 2,4-dioxopentan-3-ido-kC would imply ligation by the central carbon atom
                       in the pentane skeleton (see also Example 4  b elow).
                          In some cases, standard  n omenclature procedures  d o  n ot provide locants for the donor
                       atoms in question. In such cases s imple ad hoc procedures may be applicable. F or example, for

                       the ligand (CF 3 COCHCOMe) , t he name 1,1,1-trifluoro-2,4-dioxopentan-3-ido-kO could be
                       used to refer to coordination, through oxygen, of the CF 3 CO portion of the molecule, while
                       coordination by MeCO would be identified by 1,1,1-trifluoro-2,4-dioxopentan-3-ido-kO . T he
                       prime indicates that the MeCO oxygen atom is associated with a h igher l ocant in the molecule
                       than the CF 3 CO oxygen atom. The oxygen atom of the CF 3 CO portion of the ligand is attached
                       to C2, while that of MeCO is attached to C4. Alternatively, the name  c ould be modified to
                       1,1,1-trifluoro-2-(oxo-kO)-4-oxopentan-3-ido and 1,1,1-trifluoro-2-oxo-4-(oxo-kO)pentan-
                       3-ido, respectively, for the two binding modes a bove.
                          In cases  w  here two or more identical ligands (or parts of a  p olydentate ligand) are
                       involved, a  superscript is used on k to indicate the number of such ligations. A  s m  entioned
                       above, any multiplicative prefixes for complex  e ntities  a re presumed  t o  o perate on the k
                       symbol as well.  T  hus, one uses the partial name ‘. . .bis(2-amino-kN-ethyl). . . ’  a nd not
                       ‘. . . bis(2-amino-k N-ethyl). . . ’  i n  E  xample 2  b  elow. Examples 2  a  nd 3  u  se tridentate
                       chelation by the linear tetraamine ligand N,N -bis(2-aminoethyl)ethane-1,2-diamine to
                       illustrate these  r ules.

                           2.                     H C  CH 2            +
                                                 H N    NHCH CH 2
                                                      Pt           NH
                                                  Cl    NH CH CH 2
                              [N,N -bis(2-amino-kN-ethyl)ethane-1,2-diamine-kN]chloridoplatinum(II)

                           3.                       H C  2  C  H 2   +
                                                   H N    NH  CH
                                                       Pt       2
                                                    Cl    NH    2
                                                          CH CH NH 2
                                      [N-(2-amino-kN-ethyl)-N -(2-aminoethyl)ethane-1,2-
                                             diamine-k N,N ] c hloridoplatinum(II)

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