Page 162 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 162

IR-9.2                                  C O O R D I N A T I O N  C O M  P O U N D S

                           9. Na[PtBrCl(NH 3 )(NO 2 )]
                              sodium amminebromidochloridonitrito-kN-platinate(1 )

                          10. [Fe(CNMe) 6 ]Br 2
                              hexakis(methyl isocyanide)iron(II) bromide

                          11. [Co(en) 3 ]Cl 3
                              tris(ethane-1,2-diamine)cobalt(III) trichloride

           IR-9.2.3    Formulae of coordination compounds

                       A  ( line) formula of a c ompound is used to provide basic information about the constitution of
                       the compound in a  c oncise and convenient manner. Different applications may require
                       flexibility in the writing of formulae. Thus, on occasion it may be desirable to violate  t he
                       following guidelines in order to provide more information about the structure of the compound
                       that the formula represents. In particular, this is the case for dinuclear compounds where a
                       great deal of structural  i nformation can be provided by relaxing the ordering principles
                       outlined in Section IR- (See also Section IR-9.2.5, particularly  S ection IR-

           IR-  Sequence of symbols within the coordination formula
                       (i)  The central atom symbol(s) is (are) listed first.

                       (ii) The ligand symbols (line formulae, abbreviations or acronyms) are then listed in
                           alphabetical order (see Section IR- Thus, CH 3 CN, MeCN and NCMe would
                           be ordered under C, M  a nd N  r espectively, and CO precedes Cl because single letter
                           symbols precede two letter symbols. The placement of the ligand in the list does not
                           depend on the charge of the ligand.

                       (iii) More information is conveyed by formulae that show ligands with the donor atom
                           nearest the central atom; this  p rocedure is recommended  w  herever possible, even for
                           coordinated water.

           IR-  Use of enclosing marks

                       The formula f or the entire coordination entity, whether c harged or not, is enclosed in square
                       brackets. When ligands are polyatomic, their formulae are enclosed in parentheses. Ligand
                       abbreviations are also usually enclosed in parentheses. The n esting order of enclosing marks
                       is as given  i n  S  ections IR-2.2 and IR-4.2.3. Square brackets are used only to enclose
                       coordination entities, and parentheses and braces are nested alternately.
                         Examples 1–11 in Section IR- illustrate the use of enclosing marks in formulae.
                       Note also that in those  e xamples there  i s n o  s pace between  r epresentations of ionic species
                       within a  f ormula.

           IR-  Ionic charges and oxidation numbers
                       If the formula  o f a  charged coordination entity is to be written  w  ithout that of any counter-
                       ion, the charge is indicated outside the square bracket as a r ight superscript, with the number
                       before the sign. The oxidation number of a  c entral atom may be represented by a  R  oman
                       numeral, which should be placed as a  r ight superscript on the element symbol.

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