Page 151 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 151

IR-9        Coordination            C  ompounds

                       C O N T E N T S

                       IR-9.1 Introduction
                         IR-9.1.1 General
                         IR-9.1.2 Definitions
                           IR-  Background
                           IR-  Coordination compounds and the coordination entity
                           IR-  Central atom
                           IR-  Ligands
                           IR-  Coordination polyhedron
                           IR-  Coordination number
                           IR-  Chelation
                           IR-  Oxidation state
                           IR-  Coordination nomenclature: an additive nomenclature
                           IR- Bridging ligands
                           IR- Metal–metal bonds
                       IR-9.2 Describing the constitution of coordination compounds
                         IR-9.2.1 General
                         IR-9.2.2 Names of coordination compounds
                           IR-  Sequences of ligands and central atoms within names
                           IR-  Number of ligands in a  c oordination entity
                           IR-  Representing ligands in names
                           IR-  Charge numbers, oxidation numbers and ionic  p roportions
                         IR-9.2.3 Formulae of coordination compounds
                           IR-  Sequence  o f  s ymbols within the coordination formula
                           IR-  Use of enclosing marks
                           IR-  Ionic charges and oxidation numbers
                           IR-  Use of abbreviations
                         IR-9.2.4 Specifying donor atoms
                           IR-  General
                           IR-  The kappa convention
                           IR-  Comparison of the eta and kappa conventions
                           IR-  Use of donor atom symbol alone in names
                         IR-9.2.5 Polynuclear complexes
                           IR-  General
                           IR-  Bridging ligands
                           IR-  Metal–metal bonding
                           IR-  Symmetrical dinuclear entities
                           IR-  Unsymmetrical dinuclear entities

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