Page 149 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 149
I N O R G A N I C A C I D S A N D D E R I V A T I V E S IR-8.6
no this P- nitric
with functional for Section for
dismissed, in rule infix the ( Ref. 1 used is
were general to opposed in rules method
ame n ‘peroxo’ the (as present the prefix The
(additive) dioxidosulfidosulfate(2 ) dichloridodioxidosulfur dichloridooxidosulfur amidohydroxidodioxidosulfur diamidodioxidosulfur nitridosulfanidocarbon nitridosulfidocarbonate(1 ) prefix the Furthermore, use. ‘peroxy’ indeed, oxoacids, here. column
Systematic imidosulfidocarbon with ames frequent is, mononuclear second
in OO
Ref. be the in
name in to ! O most For given
replacement dichloride dichloride acid diamide However, 5.22). continue ‘peroxy’ replacement here. listed are names
Functional sulfurothioite sulfuryl sulfurous sulfuramidic sulfuric Rule ( prefix the for are resulting
Ref. 4 the prefix ‘peroxy’ the
in with prefix cases
name or dioxide or oxide ‘peroxy’ names replacement the those
common dichloride, dichloride dichloride, dichloride acid diamide acid acid than rather The instead. the with names in names; here.
Acceptable thiosulfite ulfuryl sulfur thionyl sulfur sulfamic ulfuric thiocyanic isothiocyanic thiocyanate ‘peroxo’ provided that is P-15.5) the this, systematic seen also as
prefix were Sec. of iew for oxoacids,
the 1, v n I method
with prefixes (Ref. ‘peroxo’). infix dinuclear
Continued given were other no and nomenclature is which the using and
IR-8.2 SOCl 2 ¼ [SCl 2 O] [S(NH 2 )O 2 (OH)] HSCN ¼ [C(N)(SH)] HNCS ¼ [C(NH)S] names given, prescribe acids nitrous
Table Formula [SO 2 S] 2 SCN a These reason replacement replacement, 67.1) and
140 SO 2 Cl 2 ¼ [SCl 2 O 2 ] [S(NH 2 ) 2 O 2 ]