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The terms inject and messages are used interchangeably and sometimes together.They are
associated with the MSEL and link simulation to action and enhance the exercise.They are
formatted and presented to reflect the data that would be observed in a real event. Message
injects are instructions to controllers to insert information and/or begin simulations, actions,
and contingency messages. Contingency messages are injects that are used when expected
response actions do not occu.They redirect play so exercise goals can be met.
Master Scenario Events List (MSEL)
A chronological list of all exercise events and designated scenario times, including the event
synopsis, expected response, and exercise objective (where applicable). Events from the MSEL
are called “moves” and are “injected” sequentially into exercise play by controllers to generate
or prompt player actions to ensure that all objectives are met.
A discrete “event” within the exercise scenario (e.g., an emergency generator breaks down
during the response).
Invited guests who have no official role in the conduct of a tabletop, drill, or full-scale exercise,
although they may be asked to submit their observations.
All the people involved in carrying out the exercise. Includes actors, controllers, data collec-
tors/evaluators, facilitators, and players. Does not include observers.
An individual or member of the response organization (LPHA personnel) who is playing a
defined functional role during an exercise under the incident command system
(ICS)/National Incident Management System (NIMS) model.
Scope and Extent of Play
Establishes the parameters within which the exercise activity will be conducted; defines the
duration, players’ involvement, level of detail and simulation, and extent of mobilization;
informs whether exercise time and date will be announced or unannounced.
Simulation/Simulation Cell
An umbrella term that refers to artificially produced conditions that replicate real-life emer-
gencies.The cell is responsible for artificially duplicating or role playing response activities.
Time Keeper/Recorder
Notes critical events and times during exercise.