Page 7 - Physlets and Open Source Physics for Quantum Mechanics:
P. 7

o  QMSuperpositionExpectationPApp: adds a view of the expectation
                                value of p
                            o  QMSuperpositionCarpetApp: adds a view of the position-space
                                quantum carpet
                            o  QMSuperpositionMomentumCarpetApp: adds a view of the  p-space
                                quantum carpet
                            o  QMSuperpositionFFTApp: adds a view of the momentum-space wave

                 The use of analytic solutions for each eigenstate allows the simulation to run for a long
                 period of time and yet never accumulate numerical error since the wave function is
                 calculated anew at each time step.  In addition, within the OSP control, we can set the
                 energy scale, which determines the time scale for the animation.  For example, setting
                 the energy scale to 2/π forces T rev = 1, which is a convenient time scale for the study of
                 revivals and fractional revivals which occur at T rev and fractions of T rev, respectively.

                 The applications described here can be organized using Launcher.  Once Launcher is
                 opened, the user can double click on a node to run a program with the initial conditions
                 stored in the associated XML file.

                        Figure 7:  A  Launcher  window for  a collection of quantum-
                        mechanical revival simulations (on the left) based on the program
                        QMSuperpositionCarpetApp.  Selecting a given title for an
                        animation by double-clicking opens the control window and loads
                        XML properties for  controlling the program (on the  right).  Once
                        this control is open, one can edit animation parameters, read other
                        XML files, or save a new set of parameters in an XML file.
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