Page 4 - Physlets and Open Source Physics for Quantum Mechanics:
P. 4
modification and redistribution of compiled Java programs is not an easy task for many
teachers and students. It is not, however, necessary to become expert in programming
to use our materials. Although the source code will be available for Java experts, our
programs store their internal parameters using Extensible Markup Language (XML). A
teacher can, for example, load a pre-defined multi-state quantum superposition
demonstration using the data saved as an XML file shown in Figure 3. Because XML
data files are character-based, it is straightforward to edit properties such as the
expansion coefficients to create custom simulations.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<object class="org.opensourcephysics.controls.OSPApplication">
<property name="control" type="object">
<object class="org.opensourcephysics.controls.AnimationControl">
<property name="initialize_mode" type="boolean">false</property>
<property name="dt" type="string">0.01</property>
<property name="x min" type="string">-5</property>
<property name="x max" type="string">5</property>
<property name="psi range" type="string">1</property>
<property name="re coef" type="string">{0.7,0.7}</property>
<property name="im coef" type="string">{0,0}</property>
<property name="V(x)" type="string">sho</property>
<property name="model" type="object">
class="org.opensourcephysics.davidson.qm.QMSuperpositionApp" />
Figure 3: XML code for the QMSuperpositionApp from Figure 2.
Figure 4: A Launcher window for the suite of quantum-mechanical
revival simulations based on the program QMSuperpositionApp.
Double clicking on SuperpositionApp opens the node showing a set of
programs based on the SuperpostionApp program. Double clicking on
an end-node executes the program.
Like Physlets, OSP provides a framework for embedding programs into HTML pages
and for controlling these programs using JavaScript. Unlike Physlets, programs can