Page 14 - LoudOffice_Guide-to-HTML_Part-II_Advanced.PDF
P. 14
Text areas allow users to type nearly unlimited amounts of text within the form. They are
commonly used as memo fields. The basic formatting is:
< t e x t a r e a r o w s = ” 4 ” c o l s = ” 3 0 ” n a m e = ” m e s s a g e ” > T e x t G o e s
H e r e < / t e x t a r e a >
The attributes taken by the < t e x t a r e a > tag are as follows:
Ø n a m e : The name of the field
Ø r o w s : The height of the field in rows.
Ø c o l s : The width of the column
Notice that any and all text you want to be displayed (it could be overwritten by the user) is
written between the < t e x t a r e a > opening and closing elements.
The Submit and Reset buttons are also coded with the input tag. The t y p e parameter
identifies the field to be a button.
The value of "submit" tells the browser that the form is to be sent to the web server once
the button is pressed.
The value of "reset" tells the browser that the form should be reset to the default values.
The default values can be either blank, or in some situations identifying a box to be
checked, or a radio button to be selected. The v a l u e parameter identifies the text that
will appear on the button.
The value of “button” simply creates a button. It will not do anything unless there’s an
underlying function (such as JavaScript) that undertakes an act. Guide to HTML – Part II Page 14